Tree of Savior Forum

Virtual reality technology could show how a person would really behave in a morally difficult situation – despite what he or she might claim on paper

Me: I am going to get that one loli VR game. I swear I’m not a lolicon!!

On a more serious note, this is useless. If you let me do this kind of test at home, without anyone supervising me. I would most likely do the morally opposite of what to do.

Not that I’m a psychopath or anything; And that I’d only do what’s morally right during a supervised test to look normal.

But then if there is no right or wrong answer to a situation then well ■■■■ you got me


Unsupervised test I’d love to see those five people die rather than saved…

Yes unsupervised and supervised decisions are important.

I just wouldn’t interact with the situation at all. If i don’t touch anything i cant be held legally responsible.

Did you know that they have technology where a mannequin has touch sensors?

a VR experience that proved so popular that the mannequin’s touch sensors became broken in a single day due to over-stimulation.

It was groped too much and broke.

That reminds me of a Game Theory episode on Life is Strange.

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VR is already used in treatment of people with certain motor coordination problems (i.e. parkinson).

And also other important stuff like abusing lolis.

Choosing to let the people die doesn’t really test your morality. You still know that situation isn’t real.

the internet is real.