Tree of Savior Forum

Viola's Feather Linker



I have no idea how well this’ll synergize, a foreword; I recently noticed we can with-hold skill points, as such, a lot of “what” decisions are in this, just spend points into skills as you get them

Wiz 3, Linker 3, Feather 1 (2 whenever it finally releases), tear the build a new one, guys/girls.

I’d take thau1 instead of link3 because of Decay-Swell Body interaction which one shots any non-status immune mob. Also, Shrink body makes enemies lose 75% damage, so you can safely Blood Suck them.

is the one-shot a bug?

Only get lvl 1 energy bolt and earthquake. The damage is not worth leveling.
Max sleep for CC.
Get lvl 1 lethargy for strike damage debuff.
Get surespell lvl 10 since you will be interrupted while channeling bloodsucking.

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What @Crossfall said.

It’s very important that Bloodsucking gets Surespell. A single hit without it and you will stop the channel. Additionally, as said, 1 point into each Energy Bolt and Earthquake only. Energy Bolt has a knockback effect, and EQ has a knockdown (which if you get good at practicing you can EQ->Sleep very reliably for a simple combo).

Sleep is one of the simplest and stronger CC’s in the game so maxing this is almost a requirement.

Sink the rest of your points into Reflect Shield. No, not because it’s viable for party play, but because enemies with a small knockback effect on their auto attacks will interrupt Bloodsucking even if you have Surespell up. For those mobs you’ll have to try to CC them but if they are immune then you’ll need Reflect Shield to help keep the channeling alive.

Also @raydensorc while that is a nifty effect it is sadly a bug (C3 Thaum FF here) so I wouldn’t advise it for that reason alone. A single circle of Thaum can be great though if OP is finding himself building into a lot of INT or a lot of CON, but, since he’d have Linker C2 already in the build either way, I likely wouldn’t advise it. The link damage between Bloodsucking and Blood Bath can get pretty solid, and the HP gains from Bloodsucking alone would counter the need to shrink an enemy.

Oh, and, be sure to put 1 point into Bone Pointing as it applies the Kurdaitcha attribute for a chance for double damage (Kurdaitcha attribute can also be learned even if the skill level is 0 which makes Bone Pointing a much better delivery of the attribute) xD

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Reflect Shield is a totally useless skill. Energy Bolt shoul be at least lvl5 for faster cast time. Earth Quake 1 is ok, no point level further. So, the wiz3 build should be:
EB 8,
Sleep 15,
Lethargy 1,
Surespell 10,
QC 5,
Magic Missile 5
As someone have said in FF thread - Shrink Body helps a lot against monsters, since you reduce their damage 4 times(and decrease their AoE defence also).

Taking @Darkon and @Crossfall 's suggestions, I added a version two, freeing up 28 skillpoints for maxed sleep and 8 points into Lethargy.

I may add a version 3 (or even replace version 1) as the feedback’s been really good.


Accidentally tagged the wrong person, ops

Lethargy should only be lv1 good sir, it’s only use is for the attribute =) So I’d recommend moving 7 points from Lethargy over to Reflect Shield. Contrary to what rayden said, Reflect Shield does have a very important role but that is only because it prevents lesser knockbacks. Which since in PvP, and for HP regaining purposes, your primary damage source will be Blood Sucking… it’s a good idea to make sure it isn’t cancelled 2 seconds in because a Swordy came up and bumped you, or a Colifly pushed you back 1cm on-screen from its basic attack.

Your linker looks solid.

For FF I’d at least invest 1 point into Ngadhundi for the Decay, but, this is all speculative for now. If you go C2 FF @R8 we know that we’ll get at least 2 more skills, one of which is likely a 5 point investment and the other may or may not be a 5 point. So that means you’ll have to leave a few spare points in R7.

A good approximation of FF going into C2 FF may look like:
10x Blood Sucking
10x Blood Bath
5x Kamikaze
3x Levitate
1x Bone Pointing
1x Ngadhundi

This is dependent on how well Levitate scales of course, if another skill wasn’t revealed, etc etc. If we need the points for it you may consider taking them from Blood Bath instead making it lv8 for a lv5 Levitate (Blood Sucking > Blood Bath for PvP since Blood Bath doesn’t tick on players, and because the HP regen from Blood Sucking is based on the damage you deal). The reason again is Bone Pointing isn’t a good damage source but is a good delivery of Kurdaitcha attribute. Ngadhundi is hit or miss but the decay can help at times, netting a boost in DPS for archers as well.

The nice thing about lethargy is the increased damage attribute, however, I did modify version 1 with your suggestion.

As this was a theorycraft, I chose featherfoot because I thought it was a ‘unique’ pick, but the more I look at it, the more I’m interested in actually levelling one lol.

From what I read, bone pointing is not that good.

Truth is, I’m leveling this class build atm, and Im at R5. So far so good, since I’m making the best out of the joint penalty bug that multiplies damage according to number of linked mobs. But I know they will fix this soon.

I cry whenever I solo a boss from quest, since it takes too much time. I hope I could get to R7 in less than 2 weeks.

Yeah bone pointing kind of sucks tbh. You only get a point in it because it’s a static summon that acts a lot like the Corpse Tower from Necro. Except instead of crappy damage and a Decay debuff, you get crappy damage and a Hexing debuff, which gives you a slight chance at dealing double damage on every attack against the hexed mob with Kurdaitcha attribute enabled.

But the damage from the skill itself? Lackluster. In Battle League though it can scare away people who look at it and ask themselves “wtf is that, that’s not a Warlock, Ele, or Cryo skill… so… idk what it is, I should avoid it” lol Stationary summon that doesn’t deal a lot of damage. When it isn’t getting bounced away at bosses it is actually decent though with a pretty high total debuff duration (7 seconds each hit, but it shoots about once per second it’s out, so the debuff is essentially 7 seconds plus the total duration it’s on the field).

I don’t think linker 3 really adds that much unless you are going for a specific party composition that needs you to maximize a specific stat. Linker 2 should be enough for general purposes. For Rank 6, Necro should be the best option if you want to have a nice filler skill. Thauma 1 does not add that much. The swell body + decay combo is a gimmick - it does not work on high level mobs mainly because they are immune to decay. Having Flesh Cannon from Necromancer would also ensure that you can deal a substantial amount of damage regardless of the enemy’s racial type. Sorc is an option as well but you’d have to cut down a linker 2 for it.

This is the build I’m using. I have 5 spare points in Linker and FF which I have yet to put in any skill.

Linker 3 is the most future proof build though you will lack offensive skills to use. Personally 11 links with a Dandel gem is far superior to the 8 links you get with only Linker 2. Replace Linker 3 with Necro 1 if you want an easier time though.