Tree of Savior Forum

[Video Guide] Elementalist Thread

Hello everyone!

This Thread is dedicated to Elementalist guides, gameplay, discussions, builds and much more.
Hope you guys like it and that the information on here can help you.

Elementalist Guide
In this video ill be showing you all of the Elementalist spells, talk a bit about them, what they do and what they are used for.

Elementalist Gameplay
In this video ill be showing you the Elementalist spells in action and talk about the class a little bit further.

Elementalist Build Guide
In this video ill be talking about the classes that go well with the Elementalist, classes that dont and explain why, trying to give you as much information as i can for wen you make your own builds.

Build Examples coming soon.

If you have any questions feel free to ask them and ill get back to you as soon as i can :slight_smile:


If I’m not wrong for electrocute, the maximum number of targets hit for each level given in the tooltip is wrong. For example, I tested electrocute 1 to hit 3 targets, but the tooltip said 2.

i believe the old one said 14 at max rank.
didnt really have time to test it because i did the silly mistake of trusting the new tooltip.
its starting to be a pet peeve of mine, they change the ones i dont look into and the ones i do are wrong.

…guess the advice is not wrong tho and to make it a decent AoE tool you do need to level it up :slight_smile:

There is still the skill reset event if you really plan to test, but like I how said in another thread, I believe electrocute works as follows:

max number of enemies hit(up to lvl15): 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, 11

electrocute damage:
let n is the nth enemy hit(1 for 1st enemy hit)
m = int(matk/2*0.8^(n-1))
electrocute dmg = 5*spell%*m*log10((m/(mdef+1))^0.9+1)

Help me decide on a new damage arrangement between Elementarist skills.

Hail-undoubtedly will be maximized.
Electrocute - Despite the cool damage, reasonable amount of targets, it’s a skill that does not give me love.
Proeminence - I do not consider it a good skill. It is not a skill with which you can count the damage. Divides a lot of opinions.
Freezing Sphere - Yesterday I was impressed by the damage of this skill only at level 1 and no attribute. I want more opinions
Meteor - A really considerable damage but that comes into clash with your cooldown.
Frost Cloud - Undoubtedly Maximized
Rain- I never had her above level 1. I never missed her, but with the increased damage from Eletrocute, it seems interesting.
Stone Curse - PvP Only

What would you think of a provision as

Hail 15
Electrocute 10
Frost Cloud 5
Meteor 5/10
Freezing Sphere 10/5

Is Meteor 10 really necessary?
What do you think of Freezing Sphere?

i don’t know you update this post will be good if you say it magic XD, well right now im making the cryo3-ele3-X and the ele3-FF2 build but i’m having hard with the choose of which are the better combos for this 2 build so this are my questions.

Cryo3-ele3- wiz2 or sage, is hard choose because wiz 2 just help me with 2 long cast skill that are electrocte and hail, but i have good CC skills so i can resist with blink so it will make helpfull taking sage, but idk which is better both have adventages.

Wiz2-x-Ele3-FF2 idk if take linker or wiz3, because FF gets a lot of adventages with the poison damage from the link and wiz 3 just give me MM and fast skills but that is not more damage as i see.

Thank you for the help :D.

I updated this post last night, was kinda tired so forgot to add the update reply :stuck_out_tongue:

For the Cryo3 build i would take Sage, its a lot more fun and i think you have enough tools to get your long casts off. such as Frost Pillar and Blink.

For the FF build i would go with Linker, FF benefits a quite a bit from it, so id say its the best choice :slight_smile:

Hope that helped you out :slight_smile:

yeah it does XD, right now i get another question which skill max and which leave jst one point in both cases, bt maybe i will have to wait XD for now this is my skill distribution.

Seems perfectly fine to me.
But if you want a more serious opinion ask the guys in the FF thread :slight_smile:

But as far as i can tell you should be just fine :slight_smile:

I have been making a new Elementaist build but idk how good or bad is deal with a elementalist with no surespell or QC, like the problem of the croy3/ele3 is really that hard to cast something without surespell?

Casting long spells without surespell or anything to help you is almost impossible.
Cryomancer does bring a lot of CC with freezing enemies and Frost Pillar, which does bring some utility and helps you cast your long spells.
If you pick up Sage at rank 8, you can also add Blink to your kit to help you cast without Surespell.

In group play without surespell, its all about positioning.

Even with monsters constantly in your face you would still be able to use Frost Cloud, Prominance and Freezing Sphere to a degree since its a quick cast, the other 2 are Instant Casts.

Not really sure if that cleared anything for you, if it didnt let me know and ill try to put it better :slight_smile:

I will leave this videos that i found becuase it show me that cryo/ele are more about position and make me think that wiz2 is not the best choice.

Guys, is rain % additive or multiplicative? Is it worth to get 1 rain more than 1 prominence?

Depends on your build I guess…

If your toping ele with FF2 then rain won’t be very necessary. Imo id skip rain/froscloud entirely and pump it into prominence because it is a really good tool to regain health after blood curse. Using rain in your cycle just slows down dps

Other than that, sure 1 rain is fine and just drop prominence all together