Tree of Savior Forum

Viablo Solo Leveling Builds?

Hey pals,

I’ve done some searching using the search function of the forums but haven’t found anything too relevant or compiled in one place. My question is: what are the best builds to play as with wizard if you are leveling solo? More specifically:

  1. Is there a good wiz/ele build that you can easily solo level with?
  2. Is there a good cryo3 build that you easily solo level with?
  3. What about something pyro-focused?

Thanks guys! :slight_smile:

Any build with Pyro work well solo. at least your goal is go to the magic tower. there a lot of monster with Fire’s resistence. LOL i got screw so many times there… (i was pyro at CBT)


But yes there are good builds for solo.
Which shien even mor ein partys.

And builds that need a secodn or even third to really shine.

USE the SEARCh function xD.

You clearly did not read my post where I explicitly stated that I used the search function and could not find anything that was completely relevant to what I wanted and nothing was compiled in one place. Thanks for the post, though.

There’s lots of them. xD

You clearly didnt use it correctly.

And sometime soyu need to read into them, not just browse over the names~

But i will be nice.
WIz3 is easy to level if you know how.

Energy botl 1, lethargy 1, Sleep 5, Reflect 5, Earthwauke 3.

For starts.
Lethargy gives bonus damage to EQ makeing it good for killing early stuff and doing some dps with an knockback later on.

Sleep is really good.

Energy Bolt 1 is enough.
Use sleep, get attribute for sleep+ % damage. And Energy bolt 1 will do wonders.

After that, Rank 3 is easy to achievie.
Magic missle is really nice.
A one point spam death skill and a good dps skill lategame.

Go whatever you want then ^^.
Ele3>Warlock is nice and has lots of cc.
Or go linker 2>Sorc (or anythign else)>Feather.


Searching the word “solo” doesn’t even bring up a single thread titled anything remotely close to discussing soloing builds. And surprise, this thread is #1.

If you have nothing else to add, please stop.

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Added something, whiel you wrote that up xD.
Search better.

If you want an easygame early. Go PYro.

If you want an easy game later on. Go Wiz3.

If you want CC heavy, go Cryo3.

Damage and Soloing is aviable to all of these.
Only the amount of knowledge you need to make it shine is different.

Ohh and yes.
Most classes from wiz three are good soloists.

Even the supports have CC abilitys that shine.

As long as you can kite monsters or cc them.
Anything goes early to mid game.
Lategame is somethign else. Mobs starting to hurt then~
CC and anykind of safety for yourself will prevail here.

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Yes, I am familiar with the intricacies of skilling up as a wiz1-3 and the various interactions between skills with their attributes.

All I’m asking for is a specific, linked, pyro or cryo3 or wiz/ele build that is very easy to solo level with.

Best for solo doesn’t really exist in game, you need to think about what you like and then try to build other classes based on it.

I’ll be talking until up to rank 6, since the classes you talked about are from these ranks:

  • For elementalist, you can go Wiz3>Ele3 (best way to solo probably?) or Wiz > Pyro2 > Ele3

  • Wiz > Cryo 3 > Chrono 3 (best dude for parties ever) or Wiz > Cryo 3 > Linker > Sorc 2 or > Sorc > Necro

  • Wiz > Pyro 1/2 > Linker 2/3 > Sorc 1/2 > Necro 1/2.

For solo purposes summons seem to be pretty useful, also they benefit a LOT from linkers.


Thanks for the reply, moises_andre12.

Is there a viable solo-leveling build that combines cryo3 and psycho somehow? I’ve heard a lot about some combo of cryo/psycho/rune.

Very easy is definiton of the one who uses it.

For me it’s different then for you.

But if you want easy.

Rank 7 is a placeholder only. I just messed around there.
The base idea is, to have high cc and high dps bursts.
In situations where you will grindv in mob heavy areas and in low density areas. This will shine.

I probably would take Warlock for this.
As featherfoot would need an linker to be really good.

PS: That’s an old build of mine just. Icewall+psycho is still op. Fireball+psycho is good too. Extra sparks~

Kino C1? By doing this you would be losing Raise and Gravity Pole which are great CC skills.

Imho, Kino C3 works best for solo purposes.

Does Rune of Ice effects apply on Ice Wall and Frost Pillar? It’s supposed to not work on deployment skills and they fall under that category i assume.

It doesn’t work on frost. But the shards from Ice Wall are affected.
Gust too.

And yes, Kino3 is nice.
But he asked for an easy build.

Not for an build that has lots of snergies with other people too.


That’s disgusting man. That’s +300% on shards right there, wth?

Problem with Ice Wall + PP is the cooldown. Did they lower it yet?

No and they won’t, RC is not good for solo, is clearly a class to use when you have many people to use it live GvG.

Mostly you have a combo you can use ONCE every 2 AND A HALF MINUTES.

Also, only good RC might be Wiz3>Cryo3>RC according kToS RC builds.

Double icewal kamehameha!


With 300% more dps.

It’S high cd skill combo.
But worth it against WB or normal Bosses.


How would something like cryo3, psycho3, rc be for leveling and eventually group stuff at max level/GvG?

What about cryo3chono3?
