Tree of Savior Forum

Viable Enchanter build?

DISCLAIMER: I know Enchanter pretty much sucks atm, but let’s try and work with what we got, ok?

How would you make the class work? I thought about what it has to offer at the moment, and it’s pretty much only Enchant Lightning. Since that isn’t enough to justify a DPS build, I thought about going for an autoattack route, but being mostly a support. Kinda like boosting the party to compensate for your lack of usefulness. I came up with this:

What do you guys think? I thought about going for Pyro 3 and Linker 3, ditching Thauma, but then you lose a great deal of support potential. I also considered Linker 3 and Thauma, getting Pyro to 1 only, but then you lose on Enchant Fire and makes me wonder if it’s even worth it at this point.

I also have very little experience with Pyro, so I’d assume my point allocation is sub-optimal.

Well, any opinion is welcome, and I really just want to brainwash a bit. For some reason the class is interesting to me, and I’d like to explore it further. Just please don’t say “it sucks, don’t use it”. We all know the class isn’t that great right now.

Let’s have some fun theorycrafting!

Interesting thread as I was looking for Enchanter infos lately (but having trouble to find some and even a harder time to find videos about it ! )

I’m currently building an enchanter with this idea :
Wiz 1 > Pyro 3 > Linker 2 > warlock 1 > enchanter 1

The idea is to be able to have an okay playstyle for solo and some strong supportive tool for a team.
Double enchant, JP HK, Fire Pillar for CCing enemies even more into the single or double Pole of Agony (scroll), all of this seems quite fun.

On the other hand Linker 3 has some serious arguments with the lifeline stat share combined with enchants to increase even more the damage.

Cryo 3 seems to be interesting too, frost combined with lightning enchant seems strong.

Many things to try out (too bad i didn’t has a rank 8 wizz for the reset event :frowning: )

pyro3 thau3 enchanter
pyro3 chrono3 enchanter
pyro3 ele3 enchanter
pyro3 link2 warlock enchanter

i tested them at reset event

it’s viable but i don’t like #1-3 build

3 untested build (it’s might work)

cryo3 link3 enchant
cryo3 ele3 enchant
cryo3 kino rune pyro enchant

I’m currently Cryo3 Thauma3 Enchanter. Enchant Lightning should theoretically give a nice boost to attacks against mobs frozen by Cryomancer skills, though I haven’t really done any proper damage tests. Assuming this works, your party should go through mobs caught in Frost Pillar very quickly.

Always use Daino scrolls with this build though, since Enchant Lightning hardly justifies taking up a buff slot without Daino.

Well, my main is already a CryoChrono, so I’d like to avoid picking those classes if possible. But yeah, the bonus electric damage on frozen targets is indeed a nice sinergy! Since Joint Penalty also has an attribute that increases lightning damage taken by 50%, I thought about pursuing the Linker path.

The more I think about it, the more I’m convinced that what I really want is Linker 3, Thauma 3 and Enchanter, but sadly that’s not possible currently. The interaction between Lifeline and the Swell buffs seems super nice if you have someone in the party that is full SPR (or full INT, if you already full SPR). But I disgress. The focus here is Enchanter, and with the lightning enhancement on Joint Penalty, I think at least Linker 2 is a must if I’m not going for Cryo.

@Planeptune, what didn’t you like in the pyro3 thau3 build? That’s the one I’m leaning more heavily towards right now, with 2 ranks of linker stuffed inbetween.

@Altariel, yeah, I think Daino will indeed be necessary. If we run pyro 3 thau 3, that’s 5 buffs by itself. Not even counting Agility, provided it’s worth using. I think everyone would hate me without Daino, haha!

i don’t like pyro without link

i used to play a lot of pyro-link before balance change

i can’t playing pyro3 anymore :cry:

Oh, I see! So you’d think a 2-2-2 spread between pyro, linker and thauma would be good, as I suggested in the op?

I’m currently also trying out a pyro enchanter as a sub, hoping that it will get better in future. Currently at Wiz1>Pyro3>Link1.

I’m kinda stuck between choosing these 2, with some questions in mind


  • How does lifeline help much? I don’t really understand the mechanics behind it. Would anyone be able to explain?
  • More links, better for solo, not much for party since links break easily


  • Link + masterma (without C2 attribute) can deal significant damage, as compared to using pyro skills after link (can use pyro skills when masterma is on cd)
  • Can craft PoA scroll, but is it cost efficient though???

Sorry for hijacking your thread

No worries!

Lifeline shares the highest stat among linked players. This means that if you have, say, 400 INT and 1 SPR and uses lifeline with a cleric that has 1 INT and 400 SPR, both of you would have 400 INT and 400 SPR. This is pretty great for Thaumaturge, since swell buffs scale from INT and SPR (except for brain, which scales only from SPR).

I think the Linker 3 path is more focused on support, while the Warlock one is more focused on damage. This is then a matter of what you want your role to be. Keep in mind scrolls are kinda expensive, so using 2 mastemas will be quite costly if you do it all the time.

Pyro 1 is enough if you want fire enchant.

Linker is not as good as it used to, link resist and link hit limit.

Just wait for the summoning patch, a sorc c2 will make easy for your enchanter built.

Wl c2 is a hell dps with mastema c2 attribute and evil sacrifice. Wl c1 masterma is… meh

Otherwise you can try cyro-kino-enchanter.

Cyro still superior than pyro.

Never did hate pyro so much, fire wall dmg too low
Flame ground is a joke, hell breath is a joke without surespell, fireball… ha. The only worthy is fire pillar and flare, but wait till you met some fire attribute monster.

pyro3 link3 enchanter full INT.
enchant fire and lighning scale with your SPR/INT. use link3 lifeline to empower the buff with a full int build. combos well with chaplains. replacing link3 with thaum3 here will result in inferior party buffs and buff limit issues.

agility scales with your CON (stanima). its about 5% dodge (seperate from evasion stat) at lvl5 100 sta… kinda weak but this build is the only way to use it (steal con with lifeline).

I saw somewhere, a build Wizz 3 - Thauma 3 - RC - Enchanter, but I did not understand its operation. Sorry for my bad english.

How should we allocate enchanter skill point though?

Is enchant armour worth it, like do anyone actually uses the service?

And what skills are actually worth crafting?

I believe you can only have one shop up at a time so you’re probably better off using that shop on a pardoner or squire. Enchant Armor buffs do sell but they sell incredibly slowly mainly because defense isn’t needed very often in this game and the enchant armor buffs offered by the enchanter don’t even make much of a difference anyways unless you’re an SPR character who wants more CON for something like ET. Players who play a LOT also buy the 50% durability loss one too, but only a few players actually play enough in a day for that one to be worth it. I guess I maybe make about 20k silver profit a day on my enchanter despite being one of the only enchant armor shops in existence (at this point I’m mainly just providing it as a service to others instead of for my own profit)

if u don’t have any shop char, get enchant

i u have many shop char, u might skip it

enchant lighting is always max

craft scroll is depend on your build and how do u build enchant

agility, empower, u can max it if u don’t get craft and shop

so it depend on what u want from enchanter

shop almost never makes any money, scroll making is only useful at lvl1 due to insane cost increases per lvl.
honestly, I wish I had empowering 4/5 so I could let my friends into dungeons earlier