Tree of Savior Forum

Viability of Wiz/Cryo3/Chrono3/Wiz2?

Hello. I’m currently level 250ish on my CryoChrono and I’m still trying to venture into the options that future ranks will present. Most of the Chrono3s that I’ve asked have had a hard time deciding what to go at rank 8. What do you guys think about the idea of going Wizard 2 after Cryo3/Chrono3? Maybe even Wizard 3 at rank 9? I feel like that would set us up for better options in the future.

Wizard 2’s Surespell would make it easier to cast the skills we already have like Frost Pillar, Snow Rolling, Ice Bolt, Slow, Lethargy, and Sleep. Not to mention it would leave our options open to rank 9 and 10 classes if we went Wizard 3 for Magic Missile and Quickcast. (Those skill might give us some actual damage if we invest slightly into INT.)

Sage only looks like the most optimal because of Missile Hole. I’m not exactly sure how the other skills would benefit Cryo/Chrono, though.

Enchanter is the one i’m leaning towards the most. Even though C1 looks pitiful, I feel like Enchant Lightning and Empowering would give us and our parties more options overall than a Sage.

Linker was an idea I’ve heard, but to level a Linker for Rank 8 would be masochistic.

Psychokino was another idea I’ve heard, but it looks hard to play Psycho as a Chrono. Chrono requires us to be more mobile whereas Psycho’s attacks make us stationary.

Please give any opinion and let me know If I’m wrong.

Getting linker at rank8 is way better than wiz2. Surespell doesn’t really benefit you, it’d only be useful for Snow Rolling and it’s way better if you just go out of the monsters range/don’t take aggro first.

Your real options are Sage and Enchanter. Sage is overall better, Missile Hole is a great skill that fits the support scheme of CryoChrono build very well. Enchanter is decent too, but not as good.

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Missile is the best spell you can get from sage it true

But Missile hole and Ultimate dimension attribut are both nice even if they are not that great for yourself, it still nice.
Even if the difference isn’t that geat ( Barely visible increase of aoe )
I still kinda like it and fun to use.
Same for Blink, fun spell can take the aggro off of yourself if you need (Random teleport is the only cons of it…)
If you whant to go support…
Sage is the way to go even if it just for missil hole. Probably the best you can get right now. (And it seriously strong… Mob hurt … ALOT…I happen to forgot to reply it sometime and … my teamate just explode in those moment)
Wiz2 surespell is really not worth compare to what you can have with sage.
Linker 1 , you can get scroll for that … it just… expensif.

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Those are good points. I guess it’s better to stick to classes that can make use of Pass.

The best case for cc wizards was rank 8 gave another Int independent class, like some sort of useful support mage or a mage with very high base damage or I guess something that can gain great benefits from cyro3, chrono3 or kino3.

It is up to you to say if sage, warlock1 or enchanter fits any of the above. But likely the best choice is missile hole for party protection.