Tree of Savior Forum

VGA error // client crash + game not running [solution]

My good folks. Today i couldnt play my pretty ToS.
But in the end of the day i figured out something. If you are having trouble to start your game, if your patcher dies in 100% and don’t open the game, follow this steps:

there are 2 xml archives in your “release” folder.

Open it as txt.
If the files are empty paste this in the “user.xml” file:

user.xml (853 Bytes)

And this in the “user_c.xml” file:

user_c.xml (342 Bytes)

Your client will now open. After this point is up to your change configurations inside the game. gg


Hey it actually worked, thanks man. I just reinstalled the game and the vga and this greeted me.

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eh, u’re back? ynirie~

welcome back~

Well still technically not back since IMC greeted me with another special maintenance.

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