Tree of Savior Forum

Vertical Slash Talk! Highlander bro's I need you. Theory Craft time!

2H Spear build. Not 2h Sword. The idea of the build is to stack a bunch of debuffs for vertical slash, and benefit from finestra for crit rate. That and maybe an aim to be a little different.

I have a 279 Sw1/HL1/Barb3/doppel3 and I know barb works really well. But there’s a lot more setup in terms of buffs, but the dmg this class can dish out is stupid.

So yeah barb is good and all, and cleave helps a bunch with +50% more slash dmg and +50 crit. But i thought my build had enough debuffs / timed combos.

To be quite honest, I think this build would probably be way better as:
Sw1 / HL3 / barb 1/ Doppel 3.

That would probably result in way more combo’s or multipliers for vertical slash. And all the additional slash dmg multipliers, etc, etc…

I much prefer taking sw1 instead of sw3. I mean pain barrier is great and all, but lets be honest, you’re just being lazy and not wanting to actually dodge bosses :wink: H3 has way more dmg capabilities with Fencer3. And yeah Lunge is great for getting that extra dmg with slash skills, which is perfect for H3.

PB + stun was the biggest draw imo, in a way you can still be lazy since you get auto CC without worrying about getting knocked around. But hey, with no more 0CD skills who needs to sit in front of a boss and facetank now?

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Screw depending on Vertical slash for consistent dmg. It seems like a skill to do in between super crazy dmging skills. Regulating all those debuffs just to get off 1 2x slash skill with 800% is kinda meh. It looks good but definitely don’t want an entire build focused around it. Also after seeing goon c2 take all these nerfs I’ve decided on something more fun:

Just as a heads up, I’m going Highlander C3 no matter what for armor break and Moulinet combo. Also going goon for Gae bulg buff + big game hunter passive. Tis necessary for this build.


Hoplite 2: obvi way more crit rate + spear lunge for more combo’s

  1. x6 Crown + x6 moulinet
  2. spear lunge + x6 kunai throw (dat double dmg)
    gae bulg got a buff so i want to start my combo’s using that to try to get a huge multiplier from the start


So sw3: Way more base damage.

  1. x6 Crown + x6 Moulinet bunshin combo.
  2. x 6 Kunai combo
  3. x6 double slash combo

Pros of sw3:

  1. PB at 10 + attribute = love.
  2. Gungho and concentrate scale with stats. Hngggg :sweat_drops:
  3. Double slash becomes another possibility for extra dmg.
  4. Moulinet + Double slash have innate crit rate % attributes.

Cons of sw3:

  1. No Finestra. In a time of very little crit rate…
  2. Kunai clone combo will do significantly less :frowning:
  3. Goon skills don’t really pair well with everything else suddenly. 1 Less combo essentially.


Take barb c1 instead of goon for cleave!

Pretty neat that I was working on a similar Dragoon build to yours (I did hl2-hoplite3 though). 'Think I’m going to swap it out for something else though after patch.

I’d say to trade out Dragoon in your newest builds.
Maybe for Pelt or Sw2 in the HL3-Hop2 option (swash, shield skills for shinbobobo, finestra+shield work nice together; sw2 for pb, …I think pommel beat works with shinobi? if not, more thrust)

Maybe for Hop1 or Barb1 in the Sw3 option (Synchro; Cleave, and Helm chop for stunning).

On a silly note, I noticed Crosscut changes visually with a spear+finestra when I picked it up…:

Meh, how is that better than Gae Bulg debuff. (X2 physical dmg for 7.5 seconds) and their big game hunter passive (10% more boss dmg + 20% more dmg on large monsters). But it wouldn’t hurt to sneak that in there instead of swordsmen 3 maybe?

I like your ideas but Goon is like the center of my build. I know they aren’t great for DPS now, but my main combos are not using any of their skills other than gae bulg for the debuff to syncro with clones. Taking that out would hinder my build.

Although i like your idea of sw2.
I might try something like this also:Sw2->Barb1->HL3->Shinobi->Goon

I’ll probably just end up testing each build.

Thanks for the feedback!

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Arent all this debuffs change to +50%?
And you mean serpentine right?

Cleave give you more Crit your main dmg skills are slash skills with crit attributes.
Dont know how this works after the rebalance.
On top if you use the a 2H sword you get the +50% crit atk on top.
(And 2-H swordy got better stats then 2h Spears)

And dont forget Cleave have 3 oh so you can get the +50% +the crit on every atack combo.

And gae Bulg is meh to use.

No i don’t mean serpentine.
Serpentine Goon C2 = nerfed to +50% more dmg for 10 seconds (after patch).

Gae Bulg Goon C1 = Damaged enemies will temporarily become weaker to physical property attacks. Doubles your hits essentially with physical atks. So phys dmg +100%

Highlander 2h passive:
You get +50% Crit atk. Tested this a while ago. Look at this formula:
(Skill Factor)*(1.5*physical attack+crit attack)

Crit atk is what is multiplied by 2. So if you have 1000 crit atk, you get 500 dmg. It was an okay passive, but always kinda sucked. You really didn’t get that much damage from it…

I play a SW1->HL1->Barb3->Doppel3 now so i tested a lot of these mechanics.

2h swords vs. 2h spears: True. But not dramatic.
Swords do ~100 more dmg max but 100 less dmg min.
(Solmoki comparison)
439~897 vs. 534~722

Gae bulg is meh… if used mid combo. But starting with it is very easy. It’s great for Burst damage characters.

Its overall more synergy maybe it could even work as a dex build.
Since 2xslash/Skyliner/moulinet getting faster with dex.

I’m going highlander3barb2dragoon2. Cleave + 100 crit and +50% slash damage on target. Also, warcry debuff and ■■■■, maybe you like it.

Very true. Against normal mobs, I can see that working. Essentially this is the build you propose.

Versus bosses though, Gae Bulg has 100% all phys dmg for 7.5 seconds. So that’s just enough time to cast Moulinet + kunai with clones. #hugeMultipliers. ( i hope ).

vs. only 50% more slash with cleave.

That an Big game hunter gives an extra 10%.

I need insights if this build cold be good:

Highlander3> Barbarian3> Doppel1

I was originally going for HL1>Barb3>Doppel1, but seeing that HL seems good now, will going HL3 and Doppel 1 instead be good? Or are the Doppel 3 skills better?

Also, would going dex build still be viable? (with some points in STR)

Barb 3 is really not all that special in my opinion.

Doppel 3 skills are better.

Dex builds only work if you have a crazy strong weapon. Also you need like 550+ crit rate to do only dex.

Also confirmed. The build i thought of is amazing:

SW3 > HL2 > Barb1 > Shinobi > Goon

Damage is off the charts good. Combos are very solid. Setup is fun. Here is an example of one of my combos:

I use Katon no Jutsu for invis after mobbing into one spot. Once invis i get my clones up and then throw a gae bulg and do cleave + crown + SP Potion + Moulinet + Double slash x3 + Kunai x2.

Damage multipliers: Gae bulg x2 to all. Crown X2 to Moulinet. Cleave 1.5x to Slash. SP potion 1.5x to all (perfect cards would be 1.8x to all).

Here it is :smiley: THE FRUITS OF MY LABOR :eggplant:

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Here’s a mission solo to show the dmg against bosses. Kinda messed up in the last room by not hitting both bosses at once but oh well.

Hi! Im a goon player, was hop3-dop-goon2 but looking for other builds for dragoon and im quite interested in ur build, what’s ur build in this video? and may i know also the skill/stat allocation? I would really appreciate it. thanks very much!

SW3 > HL2 > Barb1 > Shinobi > Goon

I’m still testing the best stat build but for now I’ve been using:

370 invested Str
40ish Con
0 Int
10 SPR
40 Dex

Good luck and enjoy!

Right now, my build is Swordie->Highlander C3->Squire->Doppel

Thaks to rank resets, been trying to use Swordie C2 instead of one squire for better gung ho and longer lasting pain barrier, so I can deliver all the heavy hitters without interruption.

To me, ability to repair yourself outweighs the extra seconds of CC immunity and little attack power. My build is pretty awesome at killing bosses due all highlander points put in crown, armor break, skyliner, crosscut and vertical slash.
Pop pain barrier, gung ho and deeds of valor. Crown -> Crosscut -> armor break -> Alternating between VS and skyliner. Once those are off the rotation, go with cyclone x2. Then autoattack while before skyliner goes off cooldown, do quick and dirty crosscut and skyliner. Usually boss is dead at this point if rest of your team has decent builds and you end up topping atleast 2nd in the damage contribution.

Vertical slash is still a beast, especially if enemy has two or more debuffs on them.

This thread isn’t the most recent but because of the above post it got brought to my attention. Phew so many things wrong, even during the time the thread was posted…

There’s a reason I made my modifier thread, not that it’s getting much traffic FeelsBadMan

Gae Bulg is not +100%. It just makes every attack a fake 2x multihit but the actual damage increase is only 15%. Bummer, I know.

Second, Skull Swing (and any armor break effect like Monk’s and Pelt’s) no longer reduces enemy defense to 0. It’s more like -10%, which also happens to be the max any other defense reduction skill can do (Warcry and Full Draw also max out at -10% for example). Another bummer, I know, but even just 10% less defense is actually still a significant damage increase due to how the formula works.

And lastly, this one not being a bad thing, Vertical Slash gains 30% from every debuff on the target. Doesn’t even matter if it’s from another class. Stun and Bleed count too. So does frozen, or blind. Doesn’t matter where it came from. Now now don’t think this is gonna make it broken, even in parties I don’t visibly see more than like 15 debuffs active on a boss at most. Maybe they have a debuff limit like we have a buff limit :thinking:
That’s still 450% damage tho!

Not to take away from the build idea. Vertical Slash is totally good and HL 3 is a beast in its own right. Just wanted to clear some stuff up.