Wait…let me know what this 2%chance mean
Is that op this dagger?
How much is worth ?
2% chance to inflict a poison that deals 6165 damage total aka 616,5 damage per second for 10 seconds
thing is that it most likely doesn’t stack, so proccing it hundred times in a row will just refresh the timer and still be at 616,5 dps
it drops from 190 dungeon
don’t think it’s op but I will test it if I get my hands on it and get back to you
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that attack decrease on plate monsters will hurt because it will affect all your skills as well.
ok thats seem like 1%chance drop
Yes but only when u are attacking with a dagger and 2% seem pretty phatetic for a orange item…
what escatly mean this 2% ? Every time whenu attack someone with a dagger u have 2% chance to trigger poison then have fun after minimum 100 attack LOL IMC GG WP “FACEPALM”
(correct me if I’m wrong.but i guess not)
More like Swordsmen have no hp
HAH OP? that dagger would do 1 dmg to me. im wearing full plate, and the 2% is more like 600 dmg per second until 10 seconds elapsed… its similar to that 40 second poison debuff that does 250 dmg every 2 seconds… i forget the name of the map but its the one before 2nd demon prison… u know those monsters
already covered by poison property attack
unless the plate mobs have poison resistance then it will be crap for plate mobs
without resistance you still deal an additional 61 poison property every hit on plate mobs.
and 14 con (1300hp+) is quite good.
Playing as Wugushi on last beta, teached me that poison is what killed the Archer tree’s weakness against plate monsters.
But u need to attack with dagger to trigger effect not ?
No, I’m talking about Wugushi skill that causes poison on enemy.
The reason why venom is strong isn’t the passive, it’s that +14 con on a off hand that also gives you offensive stats.
It’s not OP , but it’s a very solid piece of gear.
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in that case arde is better.
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It’s 6165 damage over 10 seconds, not per second
6165:10= ? Not that hard dude
There are a lot of plate mobs, but +14 con is pretty good. Karacha dagger is obviously better for swordies and archers (and tank swordies would use a shield), but I’d probably throw that on a wizard.
I would say not OP, but probably a good replacement for Arde Dagger.
178 Poison damage (I’m guessing it’s similar to Arde’s fire damage)
14 CON, is like 600 hp or something
Shift it out against plated targets though.
Let’s just take a look at the big picture.
- 178 Property Attack (61 on plate targets)
- 1190 HP
You’ll lose 92 damage compared to Arde (if targets are plate based)
You’ll obtain 25 damage compared to Arde (if targets aren’t plate based)
The HP makes up for this issue without question.
Neither 25 nor 92 damage will be noticeable at higher levels.
This is definitely better than Arde at higher levels, due to its HP increase.
Another funny fact.
Since Venom adds 14 CON, you won’t lose anything by using those extra stats points for INT.
Giving you 14 M.Attack.
78 loss compared to Arde. (on plate targets)
39 increase compared to Arde. (on non plate targets)