Tree of Savior Forum

Updates on Indonesia's region/ISP lock?

Heyo, Indonesian Player here.

Since the Steam store page for ToS were already available for a while now, and our beloved local publisher is already off-contract (as per March 31st)…

Can we expect any news regarding the region lock (or more like ISP lock, since some mobile broadband users are able to login) revocation from the server-side for Indonesian ISPs?

On progress. That’s what you’ll get when you submit ticket. And you’ll just have to trust that they’re working on it.

And while the rest of us Indons whose ISP got blocked can only hope and pray… One would wonder why until now there hasn’t been any official reply from the GM team…

Would be kinda nice if there’s at least an updated reply from the GM… Even if its just an acknowledgement and that they are currently doing smth about it…

you guys can try to… tag the staff i guess

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