Tree of Savior Forum

(UNSOLVED)Cannot connect to the server Silute - after transfer

A mesma coisa aqui, começou ontem esse problema.

Well, did the stuff @aesirfenix told, but staff still didn’t respond the ticket. WTF some1 need 3 days to answer a ticket??

I believe there are thousands of tickets about the same issue at this moment. They probably won’t answer all of them quite fast, but they surely know that there’s a problem. Not sure if they already know how to fix though xD

By the way, there are hundreds of posts all around the forum about the same issue, that only fills the forum up and divides the attention of this topic (regarding the same error) into many many different posts.

Well the same bug/error/glitch happened to me, so one more for the statistics… Oddly i can log on orsha and somethimes i can log on my logde on silute but cant enter the game itself.

This problem is still active!!!
Been trying to log in entire morning and nothing…
Sadly GMs does not say a word about it! GREAT.
If i knew the transfer could bring these problems, i wouldnt transfered!