Tree of Savior Forum

Unreleased WatchGintama videos

I was looking through my video manager and found some private videos. And then you know what I did? I unprivated them and sharing them here.


@WatchGintama Thank you for sharing your videos! :slight_smile:


You’re welcome! I’m very proud of the stuff I made for this game. Had a lot of fun. I’ve added more to the opening thread but you can check out these organized playlists

Silly videos
Battle League and PVP
TOS Science and Myth Busters
Guild vs Guild

I remember some…


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I even managed to see a bit of your stream once :stuck_out_tongue:


That Fireball soccer game just might as well be the most ingenious idea applied in ToS(truely way more balance than TBL), IMC should make it a regular official mini pvp event content with GMs playing as PyroKinos as referees/umpires.

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The watering can one is great!

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Awesome as always :hugging:

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