Tree of Savior Forum

Unplayable lag on Telsiai

Yeah dude. I don’t really believe this is caused by overpopulation anymore. What’s worse here is that as a Cryomancer, my Ice Wall shards never hit any mob due to this unplayable lag, giving me a hard time to progress unlike back then.

And what’s even worse than that is IMC is not shedding any light if they’re trying to fix this issue. Come on IMC. I can’t bear with this lag anymore…

I’d probably give it until tomorrow’s maintenance to see if there’ll be changes but if not, well shiit.

The lag is so unbearable to the point that it takes 5 seconds to talk to the quest npc. like WTF IMC fix this lag!

“Mission Instance Excess Count” error temporarily fixed after maintenance, however lag issue didn’t go anywhere.

Yesterday I went into dungeon, everyone including healer hung for 30 seconds (could run around but couldn’t see any monsters or other players) and when it un-hung I was dead with my 100+ gems on the ground. Didn’t take them out of my inventory because I’d never die in that dungeon even solo, not to mention with healer. But didn’t account for 30 second freeze obviously.

Apart from that, there and 2-4 seconds delays almost constantly.

Pings 550 and 1780 on this example, WTF is this:

I’ve never ever experienced this kind of lags on any servers across the world, not to mention on servers that are in the same city I’m at. And worst part is a complete lack of communication about it for nearly a week.

It’s not like I’m the only one with this issue, EVERYONE on Telsiai are suffering from it and can’t properly play for many days in a row, yet there is not response at all. Is that supposed to be acceptable?

So SA server players are getting compensations for connection issues, and for some reason we don’t.


Apart from lags and unstable ping Telsiai players couldn’t enter instanced dungeons for nearly a week until maintenance took place. This is not the only topic about it, there was a dozen of them made during that period of time.

Please give us instance reset scrolls for those 5 days that we couldn’t get into dungeons due to that “Mission Instance Excess Count” error. I’m starting to feel like a parrot.

Hi Sushi.


To be honest, I don’t think we’ll get any response at this point. Seems like Telsiai’s players are not loud enough or not spamming enough, so we got ignored. IMC is acting like 90 years old granny that’s semi-blind and semi-deaf so everyone need to shout into her ear for a while to get a response and a candy.

They’re opening Telsiai to F2P players in ah hour’s time. While it’s already heavily loaded and with unstable latency issues still not being fixed or responded to. R.I.P. Telsiai it seems.

Let’s see how it goes before making a fuss, but if “improving overall stability” will turn out to be just words while in fact lags that are already terrible will get even worse, then I think I’m out of here. I just can’t believe I trusted in IMC with my time and money for so long.

Honestly, I’m really hoping for the best here. Good for Varena players that they won’t be waiting in a queue (much) after the maintenance, maybe, but I do feel apprehension towards what this could mean for Telsiai’s stability. It’s been a great week, playing the game.

I mean, seriously, it was bad enough when the dungeons refused to let parties in and do their daily runs. I sure as hell don’t want a repeat of that in the future.


ROFL, apparently Telsiai has “sufficient capacity” for F2P players. But not any single f*ck was given about ridiculous lags we’ve been experiencing for weeks.

And right now pings are always above 200. Players from Singapore are getting 200-1000 pings on Singapore server. What kind of joke is this?