Tree of Savior Forum

Unlocking Rune Caster clarification

I’m making this thread in hopes for someone to clarify mechanics and questions about unlocking Rune Caster to help players especially newbies and the ones who arn’t patient or don’t have much time to play(me)

I followed a guide that i found on google and followed it. I am now or was at Royal Mausoleum and had been waiting for the Rune to spawn. the guide stated that the rune will spawn every 30m-1hr. I waited for like 4 hours yet nothing spawned… the guide doesn’t provide alot of details so i’m hoping that in this thread it’ll have an accurate guide.

Can someone please clarify these?
-what are the exact locations of the Runes? is there only 1 Rune each floor?
-how long will the Rune spawn? will it start to count after a player has entered a deserted channel? will it reset if you leave the channel and noone is around? is it good to channel hop? is it good to just roam around each floor? should i stay still and not move in order for the Rune to spawn?
-can the Rune be taken only once and dissapear afterwards? how long will the rune last after it was spawned? if it got taken, will there be no rune to be spawned afterwards until it’s the next day?

and for the chronomancer part
-how long will chrono hand it you? will leaving the channel resetts it? is it good to channel hop?

thanks in advance…

misclicked… wasn’t finished making my post…

didn’t have a chance to create a neat and complete post since i’m using tablet sorry D:

The best spot to camp for rune is 5F cause there is statue and less walking.

  • Only 1 rune each floor, the locations in the guide is correct to me, at least on 5F.
  • Not sure if timer starts when someone enters the channel. Last time i did RC pre-quest there was no one on 5F and the rune appeared after 10 mins waiting. I suggest sticking to 5F rather than roaming around. Channel hop is okay if its time and the rune hasnt appeared on your channel. I took the advice of the rune spawning at X:00 and X:30 so i camped 5F just 10 mins before 6:00 and found none on ch1, hopped to ch2 and found it right away.
  • The rune will disappear upon collecting.
  • If not taken, it will last for an hour or so. The rune appears only once a day --> need clarification on this.

About Chrono master, best is afk in a channel for 3 hours and she will give rune. Dont hop channel as it will reset the timer. Basically its like Shinobi or Appraiser flower but you interact with npc instead of picking objects.

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The only time I did the RC unlock, I waited at 5F. IIRC the rune spawns randomly at :30 or :00 every 4 hours. Got mine at 3:30pm server time after entering the channel at around 1:00 (I think it’s still better to not leave the channel, so go watch a movie or something and simply check every half hour).

what i want to really know is that
does it reset the spawn timer if i deserted a channel? since i am prone to dc
does the rune only appear and be claimed once a day? since i would never know if someone already gotten the rune so it’ll be really mindcrushing that i waited 6hrs+ for nothing.
and if it is the case
at reset like when the dungeon entries will reset,
will the rune reset at that time too?

i have done the runecaster quest twice. the mausoleum rune, i waited 1-2 hours for it to spawn not leaving the channel. chronomaster gave the rune immediately on my first try, on my second i’ve waited for 2-3 hours. i assume the countdown resets when there are no players in channel.

does not reset regardless of empty channel… ehay i didi before camp ch1 5th floor… every 30min i make my rounds to all floors on all channels… that takes 10min… then back to 5th floor ch1 to camp… repeat process till you find it

Yeah I don’t think the mausoleum rune resets on empty channels, but the rune cooldown on the chronomancer master seems to reset on empty channels.

Personally, I also like running between the floor4 and floor5 rune spots. It’s just my lucky spots, but with both wizards I’ve done the quest on I’ve found the rune at mausoleum floor4.

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oh damm… i just noticed i posted it as a cleric sub zzz

i waited for 8+ hours, still no rune…

Not sure if you read and watch

My advice from other hidden quests such as Miko , try to use an addon to see hidden spots in the map. Also, an empty channel doesn’t count and reset the timer. Try to stay on it

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i followed that video guide and i’m now at royal mausoleum, but no rune has spawned… and i’ve waited longer than 4 hrs. that’s why i was wondering if only 1 rune can be claimed each floor…
i havn’t seen that blog though… it’s okay to mix up the order?

tsk, i finally found it… so much time wasted… waited on the same spot for like 8 hours…
thanks anyways…

By the people who made, it is okay to mix the order. About the 4 hours trying, did you stay in the same channel and nap all the time ? No one was around?

the first 3 hours on 5th floor, i stayed in it and did some channel hops as suggested. after i felt like givng up i just stayed on the same channel ever since… it takes so long though… i spent 1 day overall since i did wait on 1st flor and 3rd flor
i guess i’m just unlucky…

I see :frowning: well at least you got it now :slight_smile:

My advice (just to make clear) is not hoping channels unless you see there are people on all of them , including the one you are right now. The trick here is if a channel is completely empty (when you leave there would be 0) , the timer of that channel is reseted. The spawn rate is usually awful 4 hours

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