Tree of Savior Forum

"Unlimited Instanced Dungeon Entry"

Date and Time : 07/11/2016

Server Name: [SA] Silute

Bug Description :

Today I saw this screenshot:

“Able to enter Instanced Dungeon and Office Missions an unlimited amount of times.”

He has a Red Panda. Is this benefit a hack?


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a buff

This definitely looks very suspicious considering we don’t even have the red panda enabled in our version.


That’s a possible reward from a secret map gimmick, not gonna say anything more though.

Gotta keep it low-key.

What the hell, this is complete BS

Why is no one freaking out over this?!

waiting for gms…
its obvious some1 messed up with game code and is running around with panda / unlimited dg + mission runs

lol why did u tag me with the staff


This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Hiya, everyone.

We are aware of this issue and currently working on it~