Tree of Savior Forum

Unknown issues - level 18 exp card


Can’t use it please help.

@Staff_Alex @Staff_Jin @Staff_Brand

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Hello savior!
It can be used from Lv.440 to Lv.459
If the matter persists, even though your level is between 440 and 459. Please let us know it.

Thank you



the speed of you posting a thread and create a fuss mentioning staffs is faster than your reading speed

/me “I should level up my main pretty fast tonight considering the amount of exp cards I have on it” :smiley:

/me “nevermind…” :man_facepalming:

Dudes, I read it but expected the description to be a way for people at 460 to not consume cards while at level cap before cap, cards have never been limited in use in the past, maybe the consumption range was wrong as was supposed to be updated to 440 to 469, but hey.

Apparently it’s the same for level 19 exp cards: they can only be used from 460 to 469. Like everything else in this game, exp cards have become expirables… soon equipment and even characters will also expire. And the game after that…