Tree of Savior Forum

Unidentified Cubes

i try farm for many Hours and still no got Unidentified Cubes from houting grounds,I think I’m broken,pls try fix this

Serve:SA Silute
Team Name:HordaBR

1 Like Unidentified Armor Cube (Lv. 270) (200 ~ 200 DPK) [Magic] Unidentified Armor Cube (Lv. 270) (4000 ~ 4000 DPK) [Rare] Unidentified Weapon Cube (Lv. 270) (400 ~ 400 DPK) [Magic] Unidentified Weapon Cube (Lv. 270) (8000 ~ 8000 DPK) [Rare] Unidentified Armor Cube (Lv. 315) (10000 ~ 10000 DPK) [Magic] Unidentified Armor Cube (Lv. 315) (10000 ~ 10000 DPK) [Rare] Unidentified Weapon Cube (Lv. 315) (1000 ~ 1000 DPK) [Magic] Unidentified Weapon Cube (Lv. 315) (20000 ~ 20000 DPK) [Rare]

We won’t need pract weapons they said…HG 300 weapons will be easier they said…

lol :stuck_out_tongue:
they really don’t want the players to get that

The scenario would be like this:

PT’s with people for tha HG items for faster clear
After 100k monsters all got cube
gets something not for your class

RARE item mean it’s RARE…

Lot of people complain about rarity of RARE items, SAY WHAT?!

Not all players have the time to grind. Even more solo grind :confused: .
If players won’t complain would they even bother changing how it works?
Most of all changes are coming from suggestions of players anyways and think of it as a suggestion or a thought to put in mind. I understand that rare items need to be rare but that high dpk is too much. What more if you’re a newbie no gears. Do you think you could solo grind that HG?

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