Tree of Savior Forum

Unfair ban for nothing

The ban can be triggered from an offense months or even years ago.Just that Mr Sned wasn’t on IMC crosshair until he got reported so many times.The fact he got reported so many times gave IMC the door to the invest is entire purchase and trade activities log.He may not be selling gold but he perhaps bought or sold something that had so low value with a ridiculous price.Maybe to transfer his silver to his gf account or his other accounts.

I can careless about him being AFK in Orsha all day…that’s a weak alibi for his accusation of gold selling.He can be offline from Tree of Savior and still Gold sell or RMT!

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What ? … :rofl: :joy:

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Excuse me but how can you be so sure that’s what happened? Those all sound like vague accusations. If you’re sure about it, @gaetano21121993 , please, show us the proof. It sounds like you reported him. As far as I know, there is no way for someone to know what other player is selling unless the seller tell them.


The one way that he may be banned was that he tried to transfer gear/weapons or items via market with low silver price.Also he tried to transfer silver to hes main account my selling something somewhat worthless of low value with a high silver price so that his gf or other account can feed him all the silver.

All this could or not happen months ago or even years ago it doesn’t have to happen this month.Maybe that’s why he doesn’t recall…

Or he bough something off the god seller without realizing it…

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The last time a staff member responded to one of these threads publicly it turned into a sh*t show (nulight), so I highly doubt they will ever do that again. Your best hope is to try to continue to appeal via tickets


Well, I think about that when I see people selling Ominous Spirit Fragments for 3kk.


Still IMC is saying he’s a gold seller. In this case they can show the logs, their answer actually show they have no proof for this ban. How can you prove that you’re not a gold seller as a player lol ? Do you have to record everytime you play Tree of Savior and pay monthly for a server to stock your datas ? :tired:

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