Tree of Savior Forum

Underwelmed by other class

Hello Everyone,

I have started playing TOS as a wizard for 1 month already, i’m not a hardcore player that is i play like 3 hr max per day and maybe a little more on weekends.

I’m currently lvl 143 and have been doing 135 dungeon for the whole week for a chance to get the ‘Pentamion recipe’. During this week i saw how underwelming wizard class were specialy if you have a party consisting of wizards, it’s didn’t matter if they were elementalist,cryo,etc…

So not only wiz were squishy but all had some dps issue, like going in one room then rest because we were either low on health or mana due to mobs not dying fast enough. Unlike archers could kite and do important of dmg, cleric heal + protect zone made them useful (support), for swordy just go in and wreck everything as usual.

So my point is does it gets better for wizards or better start off fresh with another class or maybe wizards is the black sheep in all categories?

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50 stats distributed in CON and over 100+ in INT.
Wiz3 Link 1 Sorc 1
The path was going to be wiz 3 >link 1 >sorc 2 >war 1.
I know AI of summon have issues but i wasn’t talking just talking for me but the
wiz in general.
Wanted to go elem 3 but due that way aoe works in TOS discouraged me going in that direction. (aoe hit only a limited of mobs).
The problem is mainly that you do a spike amount of burst damage for 1-3 sec and you get all the love from the angry mobs till your hp reach zero.

I also built my Wiz like that and did not have any problems. Currently level 208 Wiz 3 -> Link 1 -> Sorc 2. Planning to go FF next. Did you bring pots to your dungeon run?

doood wizards are amazing what are you smoking?

see this

I do cause my sp don’t regen with summon outside, if not i’m going to be kinda leeching my party. I normaly use JP > HK > Sleep > QC > MM, or else go QC bats >JP > HK > Sleep > MM for much dmg.

If the mobs died or about to die the summon will finish the job but else you have a great problem with archer mobs they will hit hard :dizzy_face:
Melee mobs is managable with jump n AA.

The thing is you should not be the one to tank those mobs in the dungeon except if you do not have a dedicated tank or you could if you have a healer in the party. If you get to Sorc 2 you can position your summon easily using attack ground so he will take the initial monster aggro.

Ty but already did my research before i started playing. Understand that once delivered your package of burst/spike dmg you will surely die thanks to the aggro generated by you.
It’s about gaming experience not smoking :seedling:

You’re doing it wrong, man. Use this combo: JP > QC > HK > MM. Always use MM immediately after HK, i.e. within 2 seconds, because within those 2 seconds linked and HK’ed mobs are succeptible to much higher damage from MM, like x3-x4 times more. And, of course, make sure you bought both attribute upgrades for HK. If you’re fast enough, you’ll see the difference.

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Ok when i reach sorc 2 i’ll use this. Thank you for your answers.

That’s the combo for normal mobs.
But Dungeon mobs tends to have much more hp and you should realise from 135+ to other dungeon the amount of hp will only go up that is why you have to be in a good party.

You can’t burst down everything as before and if your unlucky and fail to kill them specially the archers they will kill you.

So Sleep is basically an insurance to help you survive till your skill is up again. Also i always try to keep RS as bare minimum for defense and knockback.

Ok, whatever, do as you like. Why do I even bother…

Anyway ty for your advice and cheers :sunglasses:

I made a video when I discovered this effect and kept it to prove my point:

1st group of mobs without HK, hardly removed half HP with 2 MM blasts, 2nd group with HK+MM - almost all dead in 1 MM blast only:

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Thanks, good to know so basic combo will go : JP > QC > HK > MM and keep sleep as a panic button.

Another thing for you to know: sleep is a ground-based effect and doesn’t affect flying monsters.

SP regen lvl 8 for attribute of sorc and about collection i try to complete the do-able one for hp and sp regen.

Important note is i don’t have that much mana issues outside dungeons.

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Yeah i know, thanks that flying mobs range attack doesn’t hurt so much.
Sleep is for Griz and other annoying nasty stuff.

Ofc i never use sleep on flying mobs :smile_cat: