Tree of Savior Forum

Underlevel in Auto-Matchmaking


I know the problem is often brought to the table but here’s my simple analysis.

When people use auto-matchmaking and it brings in people with 15 level difference. Here what’s happenning:

  • Lowest level get punished because the mobs are too hard for them (damage and defense wise)
  • Lowest level get punished again because he will receive an xp penalty (30-40% xp not sure)
  • Highest level will feel the other are useless/bad since they will die and do less damage.

Overall it adds a lot of negativity to the Dungeon/Mission runs. (complaints, afk, leaves, insults, etc)

In my own opinion here are small suggestions on how to improve things:

  • Remove xp penalty for lower level, or add xp bonus for them.
    => No one will complain, if it’s harder, you should get rewarded not punished

  • Reduce level gap to 10 or less.
    => May be problematic since it will add longer queues at high level.

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not really its not that hard being the lowest. Its harder on swordy than the other classes but still very doable.

I haven’t noticed a penalty unless at my lvl that penalty is less than 1% (for the boss xp) i have never noticed if the adds even give xp in missions.

only if they are bad

Basically there is no reason to do this. People just need to practice their dodging the missions have very easy predictable bosses

It’s how the mechanics of the game works. When you’re 15 lv lower than a monster he’ll hit you far harder than when you’re his level. Same for his defense, you’ll do far less damage on monster 15 lv highter than you.
So yes it’s harder for the lowest, no matter the class or the build.

You not noticing the heavy xp penalty doesn’t mean it’s not there. Just that you don’t care or don’t pay attention to it. Believe me it’s there and on boss and monsters (and they give xp too)

yes it makes the task harder. But a tooth brush with a 2" handle makes brushing my teeth harder. Just because a easy task has become harder than it was originally. Does not make the task hard.

As i mentiond i have checked on the bosses maybe its just more noticeable at lower lvl ranges when they give you much larger chunks of a xp bar.

And an easy task for yourself could be an hard task for another or the majority of people.
So what were we talking about?

Did you check with a 15 lv difference and the xp viewer?

Well then if its hard for them they should strive to be better not pine for the game to get easier than it already is.

when i checked i was 12 behind and yes i use xp viewer.

Agreed, but I never said the contrary…

Then check with 15 level :wink:

The fact your asking for the lvl gap to be reduced implys that scenario even if you don’t say it.

That’s your own notion…
That’s sure a consequence of the scenario, but it does’nt necessarly reflect my thoughts on the previous argument.