Tree of Savior Forum

Unable to select NPCs, statues, monsters in Mouse Mode

Latest patch/maintenance made the target select box for mouse mode users much smaller for NPCs, monsters, and Goddess Statues.

It’s extremely difficult to target with mouse mode.


Ye after maintenance playing as mouse mode is extremely difficult to target mobs / statues to teleport and other things. Fix it ASAP !

Even thought I config a “select” button for mouse mode, I cant interact statues to teleport and other things with properly most of the time after this last maintenance

this need more awareness

[This should prolly be in Game Content section but meh… whatever :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: ]

IMC being IMC again. :sweat:

Keyboard mode isn’t exactly an alternative too in high-density mob areas since Target Lock isn’t really working as it should be.

Fix please.

ya i also had this problem too after updated the latest patch… i going to send a support ticket for it… hope you guy do it , if not imc wont notice it~ please make the mouse mode better ~

They reverted the hitboxes, it used to be like this before getting fixed. And now they broke it again

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Yeah it’s not the first time they regressed something in their code.
Awesome indeed