Tree of Savior Forum

Trying to build a Shadowmancer C3

So, the build that I’m planning is this one below:

Wizz3 - Thaumaturge3 - Sorc1 - Shadow3

The idea is to go full spr, then use the thaum skills to convert this to shadow matk.

Wizz3 for lethargy15 (it’s really necessary to max this skill?) to buff marnox.

I want to be able to kill boss (using joint penalty scrolls + infernal shadow), and to be usefull at CM with some good aoe pvm perfomance from Marnox, plus shadow condesation/conjuration and thauma buffs.

Dou you think that this build can really work?

i have atm wiz2linker3thauma1sorc1shadow2(willbe3) and i love this build bosses i killing faster than my elelock atm :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hi. Do you mean to say you can buff a summon using Lethargy? Sorry but I didn’t quite get it when you said “buff Marnox.”

At wiz c3, lethargy gets an attribute that increases Strike damage by 50%. Marnox auto-attacks and one of it’s skills are strike type, so it buffs Marnox damage.

Oh thank you. I’m also using a Marnox as a summon. I will reduce my Surespell to 5 from 10 and make Lethargy to 10 from 5. I really appreciate your response @Zeucleio. This helped me a lot.

Keep in mind that the Strike damage bonus doesn’t scale with skill lvl. You can have lethargy at lvl1, as long as you have the attribute maxed, you get the +50%

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Thanks for another tip. Do you think it’s wise then to raise Lethargy’s level if I’m after debuffing boss with it? @Zeucleio

These are level 1 skills, more points = wasted points. I don’t see the point of casting Surespell on party members who are either physically based or have Surespell themselves. And you take Lethargy for the c3 attribute only, the debuff itself is pathetic and irrelevant. Put all these speare points into Sleep instead.


I totally lost the protagonism of the post.

At least I had a collaterally answered question.

I see. Does it work on bosses? If yes, then I’ll go with that instead.

Sometime I wish my party member can share Surespell. If you can afford the skill point, put 4 on the skill and with DM, you can buff whole party.