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Try The difference : Rarehunter`s Lodge

Welcome to my off Meta Wizard Thread, feel free to ask anything u wanna know!

19.02.2018, (pre) Wizard rebalance patch

Previous Post deleted because of outdated Builds past 2018.

my actual Build:

Update:04.03.2018 - changed some skills

This build is very fun to play, even bevore wizard rebalance patch.
Let me explain how it works:

Use with: all skills (Main CC)

good skill to clear larg amount of Mobs.(low lvl) or to inflict burn status

Enchant fire:
Usa With: (all Spells because its our selfbuff)

USE with: Meteor (5x hit)


Passive Attribute: Fire Property Explosion (important to extend fire skills dmg)

use with: hallucination/firepillar

USE WITH: Kurdaitcha/firepillar/while moving

USE WITH: (Firepillar/Hallucination) + Flameground (5xhit)

(havent tested right now)

USE WITH: firepillar/hallucination or whenever u feel to need it (selfheal)

USE WITH: Shadowthorn/Shadowconjuration/shadowcondensation/prominence

USE WITH: Shadowthorn/Shadowconjuration/shadowcondensation (good at bossing)

Update: 01.03.2018
Hallucination is a very useful skill to set meteor and hail up and give more than enough time at lvl 4. (9 sec) In this build u can call it a core skill for all ur castings

Card set:
So iam at the point choosing a viabel card set for this build and i found myself with the following cards:
RED: 3x Prisoncutter Card
Violet: 2x Rajapearl, 1x Gazing Golem
Green: 3x Pyroego
Blue:3x NUALE card (this one is last priority cause of price)

Someone of u may ask himself why i havent chosen Biteregina/Velnia combo…The answer is Bloodbath!
We do not have any chance to get bonus dmg on burning foes or a card that set em on fire so bloodbath is the only skill that enables us to cause the bleeding effect manually, without only relying on rajapearl cards - tough we have the downside that we cant affect mutants and plants with bleeding trough bloodbath, the rajapearl card still can affect em with bleeding!

The main idea is a continous dps push of 30% while bleeding is up.
Our mainly multihit skills make this a easy task.
The 2. option is - Kurdaitcha (foe is cursed for 10 sec),(you can use Hallucination here), Bloodbath(foe bleeds for 6 sec), Shadowthorn x4 - just when we finish with thorn, bb ends and we get a 50% dmg boost on shadow skills AND a 30% boost of bleeding)

why do i not use chap cards? i dont like pots.

In Testing Builds


Dark Ice V2.0



Tested Builds pre Balance patch:
This one is a combination of cryo/Psycho gatling to kill bosses fast, easy and efficient and Shadow.
For general content and as filler u have shadowmancer skills and FP/IB Combo.
Note: shadowfetter is ideal to fix bosses for ur Combo but the few seconds may be not enough to hold em - looking forward to rank 10!
As mentioned above: With rebalance patch RC got a surspell build in effect via rune of protection, so u may not need W2 any more.
u may wonder urself…Ele without Surspell/QC? Yes - it is possible!
The key behind is simpel - Blink!
Just blink and cast ur spells on your clone - and see how they melt (or freeze) to death
Since u only need Sage 1 u may add RC here so u have Surspell via RoP too.

With rebalance we will aslo deal more dmg with lightningspells on frozen Targets - get Elecute as high as possible!

recommended stats: full int (build a bit spirit on gear)

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What about stats? how much con/int do you recomend?

This is actually my main from when TOS was still on CBT2 and still is… tho my build is a bit different… Wiz3Cryo3Ele2 and hopefully Ele3 when R9 comes out… Stats? full INT… may def and hp is largely based off my equipment…

I use Intasurta gloves so i loose 12 con and Because of Animus i havent got any other con Equippment so i think 50 con is fine and wont lower dmg too much.

In either build, if you are a full INT build, how is your SP management? If you are full SPR build, how are your damages?

Since you suggested cryo-ele build long before, what is your desired cryo-ele build post wizard changes? I wanna try theorycrafting my future build.
List of my interest :(builds outside these are also welcome)

Im still testing the new ones but i aim for 200 Spirit skilled - rest int, dmg wise - no clue since we havent got the rebalance and everything will Change dmg wise then.

And about Cryo -ill add what i played last. stat Distribution with Shadow is always 200 spr - rest int because i feel comfortabel with it.
Nevertheless u will need some spr gear too.
It rly depends on how ur playing and what u like.

My favorite right now: Succubus, Dark Ice.

As you can guess iam not that big fan of W2/3 and try heavily to avoid it if possible

Please also note: the skills shown are not final because some skills in the simulator are MISSING right now!

try to use this simulators instead, more compact, and says ‘how much’ after you have given the stats.
Live Version:
Ktest: (kinda theory-crafting since we’re patches behind)

Or just download KTest client to have a more realistic simulation.

thanks for the links ill have a look at them and Change the in Testing builds

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How to download? I once tried and need one of those Korean id card

I think in the r9 and ktos thread mentioned other builds which people are using, including for specific propose like farming or the best against monarch boss

Yes, you need a Korean Nexon account. That needs a Korean Social ID thing.

Not as easy/simple/fast as SteamAccounts…
(maybe good VS bots/abuse/etc)

Today i found myself looking trough the already high amount of boss Cards, considering which would Suite my succubus build most and came to the conclusion that 3 gazing Golem Cards may not be the best Option i have.
So i stuck with 2 (my opinion) possible Cards builds that would suit.

  1. 3x velnia Monkey 2x Biteregina 1x gazing Golem
  • obvios one of the most famous builds (biteregina/venlia monkey)
    This Card Combo would only rely on the Multi hitting abilities of this build pyro/ele because i have no way to affect them with poison other way…
  1. 3x Prisoncutter 2x rajapearl 1x gazing Golem

this one may suit better for me because i involved FF1 so i HAVE the ability to inflict Bleeding via bloodbath at least on all races except plant/Mutant BUT i saw that u even can inflict rajapedes bleeding on plant/Mutant type bosses so the question is if thats rly true /were a bug.
on top it would Excel in combination with kurdaitchas curse to make more use of that FF1 as it already has
(Combo i have in mind: kurdaitcha - BB - shadow (condensation/conjuration)- Shadowthorn could be pretty high burst dps in near no time with Little Setup and on top - its no Magic circle/area bound
down - BB only inflict bleeding on non Mutant/plant types.

in General both Card Combos work the same way (if ANY race can bleed with rajapede) but the ability to inflict bleeding manually if needed would me lend to get the 2. Option.

what do you think?

2 option seems better as you describe

Why are using Succubus Card ?

i dont use succubus Card - ist just the build i made that i call succubus^^

Lol :slight_smile: I think is a nice name.

A second thought and some theorycraft, would be better for you freeze enemies specially due you use a lot of HP in your skill

problem is - bosses cant be frozen as far as i know, else froster lord would be nice

True. But I think bosses should have at least the debuf for damage if the game to be fair

if the game would fair we had a card that inflict burn and another one increasing dmg on burning enemies ;D