Tree of Savior Forum

πŸ† About the ELO aka Battle League Points System πŸ†

I’m a bit confuse about the system because you get 10 points for winning and 5 points for losing.

There is like 4 Team Battle League Sessions:
(EDT) 4 a.m., noon, 7 p.m. and 10 p.m.

If I win all my matches in the 7pm session and go to bed for work/school/etc. I can still get beaten in ranking versus someone that players the Noon,7 PM and some matches in the 10 PM session with all losses.

So basically the more you play the more likely you will be in the top ranking regardless of losses and wins.So people that actually have a life and that are very good at PVP will not be rewarded with their good win ratio regardless of the huge amount of win streaks but have less play time.

People can actually throw a match to end it quick to get 5 points to start another match versus a match were both team are trying to win and is longer.You may get more points in overall by throwing the matches than actually winning them where it takes more time.

Maybe you should get 2 points for losing instead of 5.

@GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Ines

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Can you see current rankings now?
For me(EU Fedimian) its not working:

a little bump about this


11 days since the beginning and still no ranking, i’d like to do the β€œSurvival and Victory” event but no idea if it’ll work (the honorary title part).

I sent a ticket and recieve a generic-bot-answer

so yeah … can you give us something ? thx

The Elo rank don’t work this way.

You loose rank point from loosing and you win rank point from winning

You win 5 Point for loosing
You win 10 Point for winning
TO BUY thing in the PvP Shop

Also in klaipedia, ranking system work, but you need to check directly at the npc for the exact number. (Or when the battle league is open you can also see it directly from there, the journal don’t show the point but show the correct ranking)
At least in my case.

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