Tree of Savior Forum

Trivial question just curious

So I’ve been meaning to ask this since the game came out but never got to it.

Why is the main hand left hand in this game? Nothing wrong with this, just curious, since majority of people are right handed.

Q) Are the characters all left-handed? They were attacking with left hand when I watched a video clip.

A) When characters are using weapons on right hand, characters are hardly visible on the screen so to make them more visible, we changed the sides. I never thought you would notice this…
Please think of it as the image reflected from mirror.

That’s the official reasoning, even if it is quite old.

I’ve never understood this though.

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I’m gonna guess here, with art it’s easier to draw left handed characters because you can use your own body/hands/complex parts for reference, looking in a mirror. More people are right handed, so looking in a mirror and then drawing it would make their drawings left handed.

Also: Bow users in this game are actually right handed, which I assume is just the artists maybe having never fired a bow before. :stuck_out_tongue:

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bc left hand master race
we’re forced to operate a righty world but still come out on top

  • Five of our last seven American presidents — Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama — have been left - handed pls ignore all the others tho, these are the here to clearly validate my denial that I’m a freak for being left handed

I can drive stick, still rock my mouse clicks, better handling on my di-cing capabilities for cooking, but spiral notebooks are our kryptonite.


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No… archers in game hold the bow with the right hand and aim the arrow with the left hand. That is a left-handed stance.

Cause i’m left handed.

F*cking A.

because you’re moving with your right hand in real life keyboard (and mouse and controller)

Weird, I thought I remembered them holding it the opposite way and being confused that only archers were right handed :stuck_out_tongue:

i see, thats why megaman sprite is left handed when shooting

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