Tree of Savior Forum

Tree Root Crystals Not Shattering When Hit

Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) : 9:28PM CST.

Server Name: Orsha.

Team Name: Holiday-Hotcakes

Character Name: Neonie.

Bug Description :
Was farming bees. Hitting Tree Root Crystals with my sword. It gives me the stamia bonus, but the Tree Root Crystal does not visually shatter or brake.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Hit.
  2. The.
  3. Tree Root.
  4. Crystal.

Screenshots / Video :
It would just be a screen shot of an Alive and Well Tree Root Crystal.

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) :


Hello @neoniec,

Kindly send us a support ticket regarding this issue and provide further details and video or screenshot showing this issue for us to investigate this further.

Thank you.