Tree of Savior Forum

Tree of Savior: Vienibe Shelter CM7 Solo Run [Caster Wizard]

Tree of Savior: Vienibe Shelter CM7 Solo Run [Caster Wizard]

This is a video showcasing a solo run with of Vienibe Shelter stage 7 with full buffs.

My build is a slightly more specialised one towards bossing as there is no need to add more aoe into the already full aoe build.



That’s impressive, what ichors and set do you use ?

smugis and my ichors are skiaclipse fixed + meteor staff
with random ichors using eva int con crit rolls with moring trinket ichor


Thanks, and what is registered as “basic” damage in your /DMAT ?

lightning charm is the basic line

Crazy, I didn’t know it did so much damage. Thanks for all the answers

Smugis Effect is better than Ataka from Caster Wizards?

yes it is


Can u share Item build ? and card ?

Thank you for sharing… i just start playing this build also. this’s good learning for me.