Tree of Savior Forum

Tree of Savior - Texture Transparency AMD Radeon R9 200 / HD 7900 Series

Hello my name is Derrick Davis, I am not into posting on the forums of games I find myself more at home just ghosting around reading what others have posted. But as of late I had encounter a pretty annoying and immersion breaking texture error.

[ Also sorry that I used the replay feature to post more images with the steps since I am a new user I couldn’t post all of the images in one big list. If this is breaking the forum rules please tell me and ill change it all into written instructions without images.]

It seems that AMD Radeon R9 200 / HD 7900 Series and Tree of Savior doesn’t get along very well.

After re-downloading multiple times I finally found a way to fix this glitch.

In this picture the texture of the ground is transparent showing the water underneath it.


Same in this picture.

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And here the plants in the background are shown through the bridge.

I had this issue with every map making the foreground transparent showing the background. It even showed bosses positioned underground before you would interact with them to start the battle.

To fix this glitch ( if you are a AMD user ).
Go into your AMD Radeon Settings < Click on the Gaming < And click on Tree of Savior < Change Anti-aliasing Mode, Anisotropic Filtering Mode, and Tessellation Mode to Use application settings.

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You can also turn off Shade Cache if you want but I don’t know if it changes anything.

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Shade Cache only uses disk space in an attempt to increase the performance, it may work on games that are already optimized, but i doubt it would help in ToS, and if you are a SSD user, i suggest you to turn it off right away.

I love you.

Not doing 175 dungeon underwater again soon.

thx for the hint, had the same problem. But it was pretty easy to find collection boxes with those graphic glitches

(why post ressurection? Because this post was the first thing I found on google, and others will get here the same way)

■■■■ thanks, it worked LOVE U DUDE

It has worked perfectly ! thanks to you I could solve my problem :smile_cat:

Thank you so much mate! I was trying to find a solution for quite a while and tried a lot of different things including xml tweaking.
Anyway I will use certain keywords to make it easy for future people searching : TOS Water Texture Error, Water Overlap,Water on screen error, texture error.