Tree of Savior Forum

Tree Of Savior Skill Krivis C3 "Melstis Effect"

Hai all tree of savior fans
today i want to share about Skill Krivis - MELSTIS Effect

you can watch this video to know more

yes i just want to tell you that i just realize when im playing Krivis job C3 - MELSTIS skill
at the first that i think the skill is protect the skill being debuff from people
(are we think the same?)

actualy this skill is hold your & your party buff being decrease.
how the skill hold? they just stop the buff timing when the skill MELSTIS is on
how long the duration? and what was skill hold look like?

yes you can watch the video to know what the skill hold look like.
and you can see at the left top of the buff area ^^ i use potion actualy is only 5 second
but the pot will hold until 25 second
for the skill MELSTIS duration is 20second & decrease 5% mp / second for the caster

i give you an example.
you have a potion that can recovery 500hp and the duration is 5 second
so that mean 100hp / second right?

when you use the potion + skill MELSTIS duration is 20second
the potion will recovery 2500hp and the duration is same 5 second
but the skill MELSTIS hold your potion duration being decrease.
so the skill MELSTIS IS 20SECOND + 5second duration from potion so total is 25 second
thats mean 1 potion can recovery 2500hp ^^
(this just an example you can use it for reall buf and its worth especially for barbarian or other)
(this skill is very good that the skill can hold your skill 20 second until your skill finish delay ^^)

sorry for my english is not so very good
but hope that this video can help you ^^

if you think that this video is helping you or for other just


have any question? can directly askme
add my facebook
achiang burgerking


I guess most people already knew the skill would “hold” buff timers, but also agree it was not worth since most buffs already have duration higher or close to it’s cooldown, and the SP cost is too high to keep the field up…

But the general opinion may change when we receive the new classes with new buffs that might be great to combo with this skill.

Aside from that, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I didn’t know it worked for potions as well. ^^

yes its consume 5% of mp
you can use potion to cover it ^^ its beter use the biges potion at lv 120 shop

cool effects (attribute range?)
but melstis need buffs because most skills buff skills have low cd
so… I dont see melstis really usefull
hmm more range and more utility, like aoe golden bell effect, cd reduction for party members or a lightning field :yum:

maybe this worth for pvp with high CD skills
just remember safety zone and barrier

If it’s really to “Prevent” buffs from getting removed, my guess it would be great for PvP when there’s a class that could remove enemy(ies) buff(s) with one or two skills. (I personally thinking Plague Doctor is the most suitable class candidate for removing buffs, but that’s another matter for another time so don’t start an argument of which class could remove buffs in this thread)

I personally want to have a skill like that in my build. I wonder what its effect when you level it up to maximum level (5)?
Anyway, thank you for your information @achiangbk !

I didn’t know this worked on potions but the skill still remains as underwhelming as previous. This should not be a C3 skill.

yes most of the skill buf is low cd but most of the skill cold down is 40 sec then the skill duration is 20sec ^^
i think its very usefull for pvp or farm or bossing

i think is only lv 1 if im not wrong.

Am I the only one think this skill can be useful when combine with DM especially in boss fights?

sorry sir DM is what character?

DM = Divine Might a Cleric C2/3 skill

Depends on what increasing the level actually does.

The sp potion regen effect alone ( essentially max SP for 25 seconds ) makes this a pretty good skill.

DM has a one limit usage. Melstis would only increase the time you can chose which skill you will buff with it.

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So is pots but in the video the healing effects goes on until Melstis stops.The point on Melstis is to stop the duration timer on buffs.Maybe it would work maybe it will not just have to test it,but if you got in game or dev proof of it please share it because I’m very curious.In fact, the timer on your buff bar shows how long you have left on DM before you lose the effect.

My job build is
Cleric c1 > krivis c3
So dont have DM.
Maybe can try when another close beta. But i need someone DM me so i can make video again.

I know that if DM only have 10 sec of duration

And DM only can use 1 skill. Emmm easy to say is DM same like Sufra when you play ragnarok online.
If you use melstis only can hold the duration of melstis.

Currently melstis seems very useless.

Even if you could hold potions for longer, you might as well heal, or use another potion, or else your using a skill point so that people could use slightly less potions some of the time.

It also costs way too much SP like @Satoru said.

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One random application I thought of was going cleric 1 krivis 3 bokor 2 and using Melstis to extend the duration of the Mackangdal invulnerability buff by another 20 seconds once it nears completion. This seems especially good since Mackangdal has a splash and can hit multiple party members. It could also possibly work with banners after they expire possibly… Just a random example but i think it could be quite useful in certain specialized builds


the skill would be worth it if there was concentrated potions that heal more over 5 seconds, but every single potion i see on database heals over 15 seconds,

all you doing is extending potion’s effect by 5 seconds, which is 2 more ticks

( the video shows potion effect expires as soon as Melstis ends, which means potion’s original time expires within Melstis time).

this is why the skill Melstis is a waste of a point imo.

sorry for necro, i used forum search & posted here instead of making a new thread xD

Perhaps this can prevent some class from stealing your buff. Or some defensive buff, such as Golden Bell (as people mentioned).

I wonder if it works for circle. If it works for circle, safety wall would last close to its cooldown. A monk waiting for energy blast again can stay in the safety wall the a longer duration. But it is a channeling, it means it is used in a defensive stand still stage, very immobile (means not useful in active battle). They should change it to movable channeling/buffing (and allow you to attack), then people may consider it.


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