Tree of Savior Forum

Tree of Savior International FB group (all countries welcome!)

Name of the community: Tree of Savior International
Site: Facebook Groups
Website URL:
Number of registered members: 53
Country: All are welcome!
Language: English
Description of the site:
Welcome to the Tree of Savior International Group. The place for members of the ToS gaming community to meet their fellow gamers, share information and talk about the game. Made by fans for the fans! We are a small community right now but join us and help build the group from it’s roots! See you soon~


I have updated my post, as we have doubled in numbers! Looking forward to welcoming more people interested in helping us build our fresh community :blush:

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Can we only edit once? I seem to have lost the edit button … we have 100 members! Join us and we can share our experiences in the upcoming beta with each other.

Are you able to get any key ?

WEEEEEEEEEEE!!! TREE OF SAVIOR ! ! ! ! 11! !! ! ! ONEONE!!1 1 1ELEVEN!1!!

May I join too?

@emo_l3lack_l2ose I got in the first CBT so I don’t need a key.

@cial54 Yes we’ll be happy to welcome you with open arms! :smile:

how can i register??

@datakor33 It is a group for facebook users, just log in your account if you want easy access to TOS updates while you’re chilling in facebook.

The group is still accepting members, we are updated with discussions and news about the upcoming OBT!