Tree of Savior Forum

Tree of Savior & A PK System

Nobody is complaining, we are suggesting.

I really love it! always I wanted free PvP in ToS. they give mor funny and intense moments on grinding.

i don’t like the idea of an entire server for PK … i agree with a channel with pk though … no reason to separate the community into 2 parts :smile:

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stuff would drop from you in a PK map ?

Thats one of the main points in it. I think ppl want to make it looks like SAO/Log Horizon PvP system lol.

Looting items is complicated. Because in that case there should be a punishment for overkilling, otherwise lowbie ganking would be absolutely out of control and will just make the channel dead except for max level people.

To implement full/partial loot you would need to make a karma system.

This was explained very well & detailed, props to razordog1234.

Still though I can’t agree with having a PK system… I very much dislike the level of knuckleheads that will be produced from this PKing feature. In hindsight, it would push part of this community to be more unreasonable. It wouldn’t help our GM’s maintain this game the way it should be. Also, having a dedicated PK channel would be even worse because you will have players camping main grinding areas and benefitting for themselves, sucking up exp/items for however long, then bringing their loot into normal channels and dominating the market which creates unfairness amongst those playing in the normal channels.

I’m looking at this at a full scale for our regular players, GM’s, & newbie players who may not even know the meaning of PK.

This feature does not correlate with the family/fantasy MMORPG. I prefer PvP arenas or timely GvG castle siege over an open PK environment.

I dont get your point, venture in the PK channel whoever wants, no one is obligated, like i said before, im not a fan of PvP in any game, but i do see that ppl find it a fun part of the gameplay.

The player will have a choice of going to the PvP channel or no, if he goes, get ready to lose something, but i think he will think twice and leave any valuables in the stash and go there just to test his skills, i know that there will be probably ppl who like some adventure and go level there on purpose, so whats the problem on it after all? This game is for all, not for some, give everyone what they feel its best, if it was something unreasonable i would agree with you, but i think its a way to attract different ppl to a game that have lots of potential.

Btw where did you get that family/fantasy MMO thing? I know there are family playing the game, the graphics are cute and all, but this is by no mean a game for small kids to play, i mean, they will come im sure, but its the parents that have to know where they are, this is an online game, PEG and ESRB doesnt apply much on this area tbh since foul language and what not is bound to appear on chat.


@Elsin I really don’t understand why would you be against an idea that does literally no harm to people that don’t want to get involved in it.

Your argument about dominating the market doesn’t make any sense, because if it was that good everyone would try to compete for it, making it actually as balanced as a normal channel.

The difference between someone dominating an area in a PvE channel and on a PvP channel is that you can actually do something about it on a PvP channel. As long as death penalties are in place, they’re taking a risk by even being there. If they want to “dominate” an area then it requires alot of effort, and rewarding players for their efforts is what a game should do.

Also about the “knucklehead” demographic, you couldn’t be more wrong. It’s just that playing against other players is more entertaining than playing against braindead mobs. Certainly grinding mobs are still fun, but integrating other players into that process beyond just the standard method is alot more entertaining and not even close to as harmful as people seem to think.

Not only that, but almost every issue brought up can be solved by just switching channel. There’s no forced participation, it’s just a feature for people who enjoy it.

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Mm…this is not needed. They will implement WoE in the future perhaps. Minimize the griefing I can suspect in the future … At least with a type of large scale PvP similar to WoE it has a greater purpose and easily can be tied into lore and story. Game design wise this seems the most appropriate at the moment and gives seemingly more pve oriented classes more purpose ie. Squire

This will only bring more potential negativity/grief in the end and adding PvP just to add. A form of WoE is acceptable because its organized competitive PvP while also being beneficial to the story and bringing relevancy towards other classes.

Tldr: no to PvP channels

Neither WoE or any time of GvG is a proper substitute for OWPvP, you must not have experienced it at all in order to come to that conclusion. OWPvP is not just “large-scale PvP”, it’s integrating PvP to the rest of the features in the game like grinding. If you grind in a spot normally and someone comes along, then you can’t do anything about it. If someone comes to where you’re grinding on a PvP channel, then you can just kill them if you’re good enough.

There’s no “griefing” when every player can literally just switch channels and aren’t being forced into it. Claiming that there’s some form of negativity brought upon by players getting killed in a channel specifically made for that, then they have no real argument as to why it’s bad. It’s something that alot of us have wanted for a long time and that’s rarely implemented in MMOs due to people handwaving it as “toxic” despite not having experienced it. Not only that, but just because it’s not appealing to you doesn’t mean that it’s not appealing to others. We’ve had multiple threads about this in the past days which means that there is interest in it.

The only argument being brought up so far is “I won’t participate in it / I don’t like it, thus it shouldn’t be implemented”. Balance is a non-issue due to the nature of OWPvP. It’s not a straight-up PvP match, it’s an enviroment where you can initiate an encounter with a player unaware and gain an advantage through it. It’s not supposed to be a “balanced” enviroment, it’s a free one.


The solution for people trying to link grinding zones with PvP is solved with dynamic channel creation which still could use some work but its CBT. I’m all for PvP and highly competitive but this brings more cons overall

Exactly what cons does it bring when it’s, and I repeat, ENTIRELY OPTIONAL

If its implemented in another server, sure, if not, no thanks.

@Slayergm It’s a separate channel.

I would like to say that open world pvp is pretty much “Hardcore” or Survival of the fittest. Pretty much meaning its all dependent on your skill level with said class. SO, lets say you’re grinding in your usual grind spot, & someone comes along & tries to take it. At that point, who ever wins that little duel, gets rewarded with a grind spot! Again, PVP IS OPTIONAL!!! Meaning you dont even have to worry about pvp if you’re in a pve channel/server!
Like i said in my post, Open world pvp is HIGHLY! one more time HIGHLY unlikely to happen due to this game being pretty casual/“kid friendly” or a “Day care game” (Pretty much meaning, there is no harm until end game, its smooth & very kid friendly like a day care). But it would bring a lot more fun to those who are more hardcore in terms of open world pvp. Again this is just my opinion. So once more, for those of you who dont get it the first time. ITS OPTIONAL, THOSE WHO ENTER A PVP SERVER ENTER FOR THE THRILL OF ALL THE PROS & CONS LISTED ABOVE. THOSE WHO DO NOT LIKE IT DONT HAVE TO DO IT!
Thank you all for your time!




I politely disagree with that post.

PK is the PVP for the cowards, sorry but, if you wanna play pvp join a guild, or go to arena or whatever,…