Tree of Savior Forum

Tree of Restrictions/Tree of Arbitrary Rules is going to fail hard, and only IMC is to blame

Actually I did get paid yesterday and I get paid per project/program written, so yeah… I do not think crazy checks could ever be that large. Thank you for the offer of employment for minimum wage, but my degrees would probably make me over qualified for McDonald’s.

i had a much longer reply, but most of it would be wasted on you, and @Masamune covered it all quite well anyway.

i checked, after the servers came back up. yes, premium female hair is for some reason about 50% more expensive than premium male hair (115TP male vs 178TP female). guessing off the top of my head, maybe female players (or just players with female characters) are far more likely to buy completely cosmetic items like hair, and so they lowered the prices for males to encourage more of them to sell?

wait, no, that can’t be right. IMC is out to get us. Female hair was priced more expensively as a punishment, yes that must be it.
but yea. oh my god. that’s it, the game is doomed, this is the point that truly proves it.

deliberately not warning people is not a failure to communicate.
either way, they have no obligation to warn us of price changes, and they do it only out of courtesy… and courtesy is often overruled when dealing with other problems.

why do you assume that none of those games were successful?
lots of people love to throw money at pay2win games. i’m not saying it’s the best situation for the community, i’m just saying there’s a lot of people that love to spend that extra cash to have an advantage.

what exactly does that mean? i’m not following whatever you’re trying to suggest here.

new replies were added.

because most of them are spoiled-brat bullshit, demanding that the game cater to OP’s personal tastes.

improve your reading comprehension. i wasn’t arguing it, i said i hadn’t noticed it. also see above, where i mention that i went and checked.

i’ll end with this again…

but then you go on and on about how you hate almost everything about this game.

So let me get this straight:

You think it’s OK that IMC demonstrates the very literal definition of sexism. Hence, you are OK with discrimination.

Well, I know now that no argument is going anywhere with you.

Check yourself bro, there’s white knighting, and then there’s showing your true colors.

you’ve never heard of “discount prices to encourage sales” ?

i mean i even stated specifically that this is what i figured they were doing, but if that’s too complicated a concept for you…

Right so maybe stores should also sell basketball shoes at a higher price to black people, I mean they definetely need them more!

You really don’t see the moronic ■■■■ you’re supporting?


so when was the last time you went out protesting at a hair salon then?

or maybe you spend too much time protesting against expensive italian shoes, instead.

i’m sure you -must- be out campaigning against high prices -somewhere- right?

no? oh, well, what a surprise.

things cost different prices. get over it.
if costumes and basic hair also had different prices, you’d probably have a point. but this is just looking for things to complain about for a game that you claim to like.


Look at this guy. Are you voting for Donald Drumpf?

hahahaha look at this guy. everyone not in his country is an american.
(girl? w/e, idk, idc.)

come on, at least keep it on topic.
if your argument against what i’m saying is so weak that you have to resort to attacking -me- instead of what i say, maybe it’s time to just admit you’ve lost.

What “you’re saying” is old, extinct rhetoric of a bygone past. You don’t even realize how absurd you sound.

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I’m necroing this because with F2P around the corner now, it’s highly relevant.