Tree of Savior Forum

Tree of Alazy - To annoy afk grinders and farmers

Since afk farmers and lazy party members are being a issue in ToS,
there should be a anti lazy system in the game, that should not work
as the usual “move the character” or “do the captcha” or even “attack
to disable” systems.

I have a more evil idea on mind…

When the player is stopped and is still gaining exp, a counter of
starts rising based on the exp the player is acquiring while afk,
every 5 minutes, the exp and drop rate percentages lower by 5%~20%
until a maximum of, 60% if you are pitiful, 100% if you have no mercy
of exp and drop rate reduction.

How do you remove the penalties of being afk? I’ll tell:

You will have to kill several monsters to lower the penalty counter,
that will be frozen at the same percentage (or not, depends on the developers), until the exp related counter reaches 0.

So, let’s say, if you killed 2500 of a monster that gives you 1000
of experience while you are afk, you will have to keep killing monsters
activelly until the counter related to exp loses the value equivalent to
1000 exp of 2500 monsters killed, so if you are facing a monster
that gives you 1200 exp, you will have to kill 2084 of that monster to
remove the exp penalty.

The exp penalty would not last forever if you decide to logout of the game,
If the player decides to go offline, the exp penalty counter would also lower,
let’s say… 60 of the counter in a hour… No, 300, 300 sounds fine, right?

So, this is my Alazy idea, It will not take care of the bots, but I guess will make lazy grinding a bit more unconfortable.

Edit:. Also, have a secondary method, since some of the farmers uses pets and summons, the pets/summons could stop attacking enemies if the owner have no action after 5 minutes has passed.

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Bumping… #AlazifyTOS

i saw a necro afk leech 4 necro in training… it was disgusting and i still wonder why they decided to make skeletons and necro ummons in general last forever…

That is also one issue, to avoid the summon abusing, the summon could stop attacking a few minutes after the last action the invoker had.