Tree of Savior Forum

Transpose - Int > Con

Lets say I am full int use transpose to get the benefits of getting max stats, my max HP would go up but I would have the same hp I did before casting transpose, so what happens when I use transpose another time before the duration ends ? just restore the buffs duration or does it switch my stats again ?


It switches your stats again. You’ll have to heal your HP up again.

They did say it’s a known issue though.

Thank you #2020202020

We will get a update on transpose soon, i think it’s coming on the later of this month. Full int or full con thauma is not viable right now, but it will maybe be when we get the update :slight_smile:

full int is viable if you use it wisely…
(I see most thaum just bloody cast it and take heal tiles)
Especially when the party is getting rekt…
“Why people hates us in parties”

Full con is weird but viable if you use it when your hp is low…

yes, full int is viable if you use it wisely…

ex. taking advantage of more HP regen from drinking pot if u drink it while full con and remove the buff back to full int.

Well, i agree with you guys, but in most cases (8/10) it’s not good

I hope they fix this, it will make thauma c1 very viable for future r10 builds.

lol thauma is terrible as C1 =_=" and here’s why…

  1. swell arm lasts for 50s… need constant sp consumption

  2. other thaums above you will mostlikely kick your ass buffing wise…

  3. swell and shrink has no effect in bosses and an SP drain eating 46+ sp per cast… regardless of level…

  4. transpose is the only reliable yet selfish buff in the game that lets you control int and con…

  5. “Finally other classes like linker, and other c3 classes literally out-classes thauma itself…”

  6. every mob will one-shot you without a cleric…
    “Playing full int and i die alot…”

if you want to support better go
full-con cyro1 + linker 3 is your easiest ticket and enabling you to borrow int from people instead of sacrifice your stats…

It lasts for 30s but hey pair it with chrono 3 when rank 8 comes out
get 100% up time of it… literally… getting 99% of the buff active for 2s cooldown…