Tree of Savior Forum

Transmit Prana self buff intended?

C2 > Bokor > Sadhu 3 > PD2 is popular in kToS right now because you can self buff with Prana and then go for the PD BDS + Pandemic + Incinerate combo with huge INT.

Is this intended, or is it a bug? Because it seems kinda risky to build around a bug that IMC could just turn around and remove at any time.

It is in the patch notes that TP buffs urself with min atk as pshycko + atk some sort of BLESSING from priest in sadhu.

Do you concern about the stat buff? I think ít is not intended when I see the way activating it (jump cancel in the exact direction). I think if they intended such use, they could make it a tile like healing factor or ein sof.

There is no bug for Transmit Prana.
It works exactly how it was said to in the patch notes when they Changed the skill.

You can jump cancel into the Prana to give yourself the whole INT buff though. I don’t think that’s intended.

You can what :fearful:

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True, but even if they remove the 50% INT buffing to yourself, Prana would still be awesome for the other self buff part of it.

You can get two buffs from Prana, one for yourself, that you always get, and another if you jump into the skill area right after casting it (which is supposed to be the buff to your party members, but you can steal it yourself).

Nekorin already showed the bug on her YT Channel.

I’m just wary of building around something they could take away at any moment.

So don’t build around jumping into the transfer…
That’s definitely a bug.

even without bug TP buff to psy atk is rly rly rly good almost at the blessing lvl except it is not 100% uptime. but 80%

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How does the bonus from TP work? Is damage added to the skill hits or does it get modified by the skill multiplier?

nekorin i did try , but seem like nothing happen…

It’s kinda hard to pull off, I’ve tried multiple times and only got it to work once, so it’s not that reliable.

Basically you’ve to animation cancel TP and jump in from of you to get the buff, but sometimes you just cancel the animation and don’t get the bonuses so it doesn’t always work.

Not inteded, but so is using ausrine or divine stigma to get a ‘hidden’ oob buff.

2cents we don’t even need to build around the bug since regardless of whether or not this came to light we’d still be going full INT.

It’s simple even for my alt rank 6 Sadhu 3 in NA Klaipeda server (I’m from Singapore)… Jump then cast Prana in mid-air, it needs timing but you’ll figure it eventually…

But yeah expect that will be removed…

The buff is inconsistent to replicate when the game is lagged/with higher ping. But when the ping is stable, I can get the INT increase basically everytime I use it.

It’s just troll physics. The skill says it’ll transfer a portion of your INT for an ally in front of you. If you are the one in front of you, you are that ally. Profit.

Don’t follow what Nekorin did to get the buff, it’s way easier to jump first then cast since you can cast prana mid-air.