Tree of Savior Forum

Trading is Disgusting

You can do that with market systems because regardless of the game design a market is always the same thing.

@kamihebi85 Holy crap your talking about of your ass. Everything your saying is the opposite of what i said.

Except this part is accurate. Will whine until i see results. Also its not whining its complaining.

How are they loopholing it? Worst I’ve seen is guild masters are temporarily resorting to Talt as a currency. Prices are not out of control except items bots are controlling… like Arde Dagger.

You can’t compare all MMOs on one simple feature especially with what IMC is trying to accomplish.

I disagree. When i played wow, you didnt even need the market.

What did i use it for? Potions. and… thats it? Usually my guild would give me free potions though. Most gear is worthless in the market since everything thats good is bind on pick up. Crafting was pointless because stuff from instances were better. Maybe some resistance gear is usefull, but those were very situational. The market might have been more useful if gold was actually needed. Keep in mind i only played vanilla wow, which is comparable since this game was just released.

But here i am constantly using the market. Everyday for everything and i can never have enough silver. I just need more. Theres always something that i can buy that can improve my equipment.

These are some major differences between just two mmos.

So far up to level 103, I have not needed the market once nor needed trading once.

Maybe at endgame 200+, I will need for crafting endgame gear/stuff. But so far up to level 100, it’s been completely negligible.

Now, there are alot of fun stuff on the market, I could play around with but again its a want more than a need.

Also, I believe probably about 1/3 of the posters here are trying to get rich and the restrictions are slowing them. They want to amass as much wealth as possible to lord over the so called f2p “plebs” arrive at the end of this month and I have little sympathy towards those players who will just take advantage of the others later.

The argument wasn’t if you need it, it was if the system functions the same. Which it does. The amount you use it does not change the similarity of the design.

Most of what you listed was gear/dungeon related not market.

Put up items at the top of the pricing bracket lots of them one at a time (all the same item), and watch how easy it is to bend the brackets to what you want them to be.

Pretty sure people are addressing that concern to IMC as well and with time they’ll take note of it. Just because people are doing that doesn’t mean the reverse can’t be done… This really has nothing to do with trading though.

The argument was about silver trading working fine in other mmos.

You said in 90 percent of all mmos silver trading works fine.

You said because they have a market they are comparable.

Then i gave my examples of how the market is different in wow than in this game, showing how currency has different value in this game.

My point is you cant compare the ability to trade in game currency to two games where the values are different.

you were talking about gear not the market.

Yes i can, the value just scales to what earnings allow in the game.

What’s the use of allowing 1:1 trading across the board without silver being involved. People are already having to utilize talts, silver bars, and gold bars to try to circumvent things. People will and do trade around the system as is. It’s just highly inconvenient. All to fight the bogeymen and ghost? It’s so irrational. It’s been two weeks and people are still JUST learning that silver cannot be traded. Go look at your server shout.

“Wts: Token 300k”

“Bro you can’t trade silver”

Why? Because it’s completely bizarre that we aren’t able to do it, it’s a downright surprise that we have to try to trade equal value items, it deters so much of the economy. People are constantly discouraged every step of the way to be social in this aspect. Potential loss. Untradable mats and recipes. No silver exchange. Trade count deduction.

When you keep punishing people, they’ll eventually stop their action. It’s just basic psychology. It begs the question, why. And if it discourages one person to stop playing, and then their friend follows because they don’t have a friend to enjoy the game with, then the community begins to thin, and more players bleed away, it’s a chain reaction. The community is a ecosystem of its own. And you have to ask, are all these restrictions worth it?

I’m not against certain restrictions that have their place. Like potential loss is something I’ve warmed up to and can see as sensible. But between your own team? That’s questionable. There just shouldn’t be allllllll of these things stacked on top of each other. It’s like fcking Christ you really don’t want us to touch each other.

Oh well, this is going nowhere. The last thing ill say is, i was using gear as an example of how the market wasnt useful. There was no gear on it that was good. Having gold with nothing to spend it on was what i was getting at. gold in wow wasnt necessary to have alot, while silver in this game is.

idk how it helps fight bots, or gold sellers, or anything,
but when i see people trading on microphone

its like, its impossible to trade
and having to trade different items=different value is surely the worst economical disaster.

and yes im interested in getting money in the market.
that’s the whole point of the market, thats the whole fun of it. wth.

I realized this forum doesn’t even have a trade forum, what mmo in he last 20 years doesn’t have a trade forum?

the developers of this game really screwed the pooch when it comes to anything involving social interaction and trade for this game =/

luckily for them they did pretty good on the gameplay…except for entering dungeons anyway

entering dungeons is a bug they are trying to fix, it’s not like they planned it to kick you to the login screen when you enter a dungeon.

If you think that you weren’t using your gold correctly. Mind you i haven’t played wow since Lich king but from the play experience i have there were good BOE and crafting gear back then, maybe those don’t exist anymore. Beyond that gold could be used to by raid runs where you could get even more loot if you weren’t good enough yourself or didn’t have a guild. ■■■■ like that was frequently advertised in chat.

That is indeed interesting considering the steam forums for this game have a Trade subforum

I only played vanilla wow, which i think is more comparable to this game since it was just released.

Ah yea you didnt miss much it was all down hill after vanilla. And yea in vanilla gold was mostly used for enchants and things from other crafting players and items for raid entry’s etc.

Edit: other then that i think twinking was the only thing the market was really used for in vanilla lol.