Tree of Savior Forum

Trading is Disgusting

The reason people are behaving in such a manor is because the changes people are asking for, is how things functioned in beta. And then they changed it and made it worse, people are getting tierd of IMC actively making their game worse.

And IMC doesn’t have to promise anything, they can either make their users happy or eventually they will give up on the game and leave.

The issue is IMCs poor decisions have been massively out numbering the good. Some things such as trade changes could be good depending on what “changes” are, but until they happen i won’t hold my breath.

Yeah I get it you whine until you get your lollipop, good for you. The sad part is how IMC said there will be changes to the trade system yesterday, and today people kept whining about trade. At least wait until the changes happen.

I deal in contracts and results, not hopes and dreams.

Also i said, before, IMC announced how they are planning to change trade system, but they didn’t said when, the reason is probably cause they already had lot of things to change and correct lots of bugs, they are first trying to make the game work and then they’ll try to make the game even more enjoyable.

Think with me, would you like to play this game if you could trade, but CommanderLoadFail every map change, unreachable NPCs, quest broken (Klaipeda story couldnt continue after saving Saule, cause you couldn’t finish her quest), character stuck, and lots of annoying bugs.

For a developer point of view, is easier changing things that work than search and fix thing that don’t, and also every change can make it more bugged.

The problem with that point is they have a working version of trade that people liked during the beta. So they have what they need to put it back in place functional. I do agree that the server issues are problems, but mmos that discourage playing with your friends also make people not want to play.

You don’t have any contract with IMC, not every result comes out of the blue sometimes you waste years investing in something waiting for results

I know, that is why i give IMC so much ■■■■ because i don’t have a contract to guarantee their results. If i had a contract i could be silent and know they have to meet it or be penalized.

Once again the problem with this is THEY ALREADY HAVE A WORKING PROPER TRADE SYSTEM. It was in the game during beta but they they carved it out and tore it apart. But the point is they have a functional build already they are just being stubborn because they don’t want to lose face by saying they ■■■■■■ up and failed to do anything to bots/rmt.

I know, but still early access, the real launch is 28th april if i’m correct, at this time you could complain about it being not attractive, the biggest error IMC made was to keep selling early access keys, cause that way less people would think the game is completly done and ready, IMC wanted 3 month early access to fix all of this, and made 1 month because of us

Don’t say us. I voted 3 months, i saw this ■■■■ show coming a mile away.

Even beta had lots of botters, and i don’t even know why idiot players bought silver from gold-seller in beta

Beta had next to no botters. However many players mistook z attackers for bots, which is what you are doing. But fully functional bots were few to none.

So you actually agree with me, beta still had botters, not that much, but had, because was beta, and they still made profit of this.

And i agree with you, i voted for 3 months as well and saw this coming, take “us” as “community”, majority won.

Yea i just don’t like us because it implies i agreed.

And yes beta had a few bots. Im don’t think the market changes will get rid of them i just think having these restrictions is dumb when it is clearly not stopping botting or rmt.

to quote myself from before

I think we actually got an agreement, i’m not satisfied with trade system, i just give a faith for IMC while you don’t

Oh so you don’t wait for the contract to be signed or the results to be shown?

Yup i can agree with that, my faith has just worn thin after ktos, watching them take away / restrict things one by one. So im rather harsh now.

Where you pulling this from?

I was one of the people originally bashing IMC for their system and how it was easily exploited but given their efforts recently and the fact they’ve even raised a health issue concern I’m leaning more toward their side(Although I still feel tokens are overpriced as all hell.) They stated they’re going to tweak the trading system and allow non-token users to trade… and you’re complaining about the fact if you trade an item it can’t resold/retraded? GOOD.

It means people can’t loophole their way around the market tax and that prices won’t fly out of control because of the players(now I said nothing about the bots though.)

You need to give it more time seriously and think will you? Silver trading is a bad idea, a straight up bad idea unless you want taxed in trades too… there’s some games that do you, calculate the average value of what you’re trading and fine you 10% of its cost to exchange it.

Except this is already happening.

Except in 90% of mmos which allow it and prove it can work fine…

Edit: with that said silver trading is not even my goal there are other changes i would want. And if they happened i would have no need for silver trading.

Except in game currency isnt as important in other games as this game imo. I never had alot of gold in wow and did just fine.

I hate when people be like “in all the other mmos…”. Can’t just compare 2 games because they are an mmo.

You say you aren’t going to be patient and wait for the changes and just keep on whining, right?

So you won’t be patient enough for the person to read the contract and sign it, you’ll start whining why the person is taking so long and the person will just leave.