Tree of Savior Forum

Trade Restriction Compromise

Yeah the restrictions suck, but i guess i can deal with only being able to sell stuff on the market. The biggest issue i have is that i mostly play and level with friends, and when an item that one of us needs drop, neither of us can trade it to one another.

So here i my compromised fix.

Make it so you can trade items that drop with people you are grouped with, under the grounds that they are grouped with you when the item drops, and perhaps a time restriction on how long you have to trade.

This wont be an issue with gold sellers or anything, as you wouldn’t be grouped with them or anything like that. This would seriously increase the quality of group and friend play.

What do you guys think?

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Rather than grouped, it would be nice if aslong as they’re are a friend of yours, you could trade with them freely, or the amount of playtime with them as a party would unlock trading permits with each other.

Lets say X party time with them unlocks trade option.

so basically it was like diablo 3 item looting system, the item can only passing to party members within a time, after that remaining time, the item is only belongs to the holder himself.



Being that we are talking about IMC, and that they like things restricted, i am thinking of a system that is still restricted, but bare minimum gives us what we need to play with friends. Although your idea is obviously better, i feel that you are less likely to have an item for a friend, as you would be leveling past them if they are offline. :stuck_out_tongue:

Still, it would be a good incentive to play with friends as it would show your err bond? with them, and gold sellers wouldn’t be really able to do it since they would have to be forced to actually play with people :joy:

If you really want to restrict it, the bond would only increase if your actually with the player. And as a problem with out leveling them well. . I guess your a bad friend to have left him/her.

I feel the goldsellers would just add you and wait a day then trade you though, hence why i am making the case for just people that are with you when an item drops. Still a great idea that i wish could happen. I just made my suggestion on the base that they are trying to fight goldsellers, and i feel my idea doesn’t change much other than making things better for friends.

It’d be cool if one of the party options for drops is for gear or all loot gets put into a box that party members withdraw, like a drop-down in the corner

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thats why I’m proposing that the two of you should be on the same map otherwise bonds won’t increase. and if they waited it out, the one buying would loose alot of game time.

Also whats stopping IMC to have the bond for trade more than 24 hours :wink:

Well, ability to share whatevers with my friends is like a minimum requirement for MMO game. I mean, I’m playing MMO, not some single-player game, right?

I would say, free trade should be allowed between characters, which are in a friend lists of each other for some time. If you are playing with some group of people for a long time, you should be able to share everything without any penalties. And that is “at least”.

I personally prefer fully free trade and fully opened market. Where everyone can trade everything, including TP stuff. Where everyone can get TP items for in-game currency, and any player can get some silver for selling TP items. Where everyone can get everything. Where lucky ones can get some silver for they luck. Where unlucky guys can compensate theyr unluckiness with silver. And, of course, that market should be protected with EULA and banhammers. With no mercy.

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