One thing i was reading people complain was about the fact the item loses one potential while you trade… What do you guys think on this? I don’t think it is all that bad, even though it’s a little bit annoying.
I don’t really think it is necessarily bad either, it just makes sure people can’t shuffle materials or items around to much. Stops people from monopolizing the market so to speak. And that’s not really that bad. I wouldn’t mind if it went or stayed in the game, but its not something i really think is bad. It also makes sure new items are more valuable then old ones, so things you farm yourself are more valuable then say if your hoarded them and bought up items from the market.
I would also like to hear what other people think of this since its a part of the trading.
It seemed to work fine in the beta. No one minded because we were still allowed to freely trade. Key issue there. The trading part.
Allow the trade! wtf ¬¬
Bumping trade allow thread.
Overall; don’t think it’s bad. It’s more of an annoyance than anything else. It doesn’t need to be changed.
Do you play this game with friends?
Yes. And -1 Potential on an item that they could really need to help their grinding is not much of a cost.
No one cares about the cost, people care about the fact that the most basic function in 100% of online games is behind a paywall, and that you can only do it about 30 times.
You should probably go read my other posts on this subject
What I find unacceptable is the limited amount of trades for people who pay a sub fee higher than the average AAA- MMO goes for.
There should be unlimited trading for premium members.
At this rate they could just shut down all the servers and let us play single player.
The only moment you will need other players is during dungeons.
I share the sentiment. It’s a bit annoying, but I don’t really care about it in the end. I feel 1 or 2 potential points don’t hurt much, so long as I’m actually able to trade stuff around.
I believe it kinda rewards the player for going all the effort to get the item himself… It makes sense, compared to simply going out and buying it.
Most of the people i know stopped playing already due to the limitations
Even those who bought 50$ packs seem to be giving up…
They could at least change the token so people can trade freely with it, if they are so adamant on shutting off free users from trading. The system is in place, all the have to do is change it. I really dont understand why token is limited as well, it should if anything only had limited trade on free users and token users can trade as much as they want, have more slots on the AH ect.
I might still play, but it really kills the fun when it’s all so limited. Come on IMC, we need a statement and a change. Alot of us are really unhappy with how the game is atm.
This is so good
The worst part is that there are too many people who fail to realize this
We shouldn’t endorse having essential features like trading locked behind a paywall. No matter what imc reasons are.
well yeah, of course we shouldn’t. I absolutely believe trading should be free for all.
Still no real statement from IMC? Maybe they’ll just ignore this forever, best way to deal with problems, just pretend nothing is wrong. Like one day we will just forget about standart features in an mmo.