Tree of Savior Forum

Trace Race (6) bug, Diena is immortal

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Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) :
April 2, 2017.
Time: 7:57 PM, server time
Server Name:

Team Name:

Character Name:
Bug Description :

We were doing the Trace Race (6) quest, all four of us have the quest.
When we fought the Demon Lord Diena boss from the quest, she wouldn’t die. We would do a lot of damage until she was almost dead, and then she would heal everything to full health again. She healed to full health an infinite number of times.
We just gave up the quest, tried again, and nothing changed, we couldn’t kill her.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Start the Trace Race (6) quest
  2. Try to kill the quest objective boss, Demon Lord Diena
  3. She heals to full life the whole time
  4. Can’t kill her, and can’t complet the quest

Screenshots / Video :
(attach screenshots or videos regarding the bug)

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) :


  • CPU : Intel Core i5-2400
  • RAM : 8 gb ram
  • Graphics Card : Radeon RX 460 2gb ram
  • Mainboard : Intel
  • Storage : Hd sata 1TB
  • OS : Windows 8.1
  • Internet Connection : 10mbps
  • Country, Region : Brazil, South America

Same here! B1tch woudnt go down no matter what we do

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Same here. Tried a lot of things, nothing is working.

She won’t die. However, you do need to bring her down to about 5-10% HP (Forgot exact value). I’ve done the quest solo. If you have a Miko in the party, don’t ever use Gohei. Yes, she’ll still keep healing, took me around 25 minutes to finish it.

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Her big aoe (the red circle) heals her for like 15% per target hit or something around that. Dodge it and she wont heal. Make sure you don’t have summons/pets/statues etc around her.

This game needs more bosses that actually do something like Diena.

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miko gohei working there…btw miko is must have in party if u are low dps

Yes it is working. However the last time I’ve used it there (this was before the Gohei ET fix), she always heals (suspect is by removing her debuff, it heals her and regains the debuf) whenever you use it, so it is advisable not to.

I did kill her, I tried soloing her today, without using any statue. Just kiting with MM and Merkaba. If I stayed close she would spam her healing severall times. This is an awful mechanic. Imagine being a melee / low dps / summon / pet class. You simply can’t do it. I did it, but feel sorry for those that don’t fit the requirements to kill her.

Not a bug, just a stupidly hard boss to kill. You have to get a team with really high burst DPS, and basically kill her before Safety Zone/Ausrine runs out.

Impossible for Necromancer/sorcerer. She’s just drain sp and heal forever.

You only need to avoid the skill that drains HP
Buy Dispeller on the market so she can’t drain your SP.
She also heal if the drain skill shot pets or summons, so better kill without them.

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My build is Cryo c3 ( no damage) Sorcerer 1 ( only damage with summon) Necro c3 ( need all summons to do damage).
Maybe I can kill her with only the summon from sorcerer using dispeller. I’ll try this later today.

i come with all my necromancer summons out and actually killed her… but she dont really die. the cinematic goes on and she still atack me, even when his model is not visible… something similar happened to me when figthing gesti in therevin stalactite cave…