Tree of Savior Forum

TP spending limit bug?

So. I understand this game has a TP spending limit policy. I GET THAT. Last month, I purchased over 1k TP, tried to use It, but couldn’t. Sent a ticket, they explained it to me, all fine. Then THIS month, I purchased a little bit less. I had some TP left from last month, but even with my purchase, it didn’t surpass the 1k TP limit, so there should be no problem. The thing is, after buying some stuff at the TP shop and at the Cosmetic shop, I just can’t use TP anymore. It says I have -540TP left to spend this month (which is Impossible, since I didn’t even have 1000+TP to begin with). I tried buying a hair color change in the Cosmetic shop. Since I have a 100% off coupon, it would cost 0TP. AND THE GAME STILL GIVES ME THE SPENDING LIMIT MESSAGE. I sent a ticket about this, but it seems they are NOT EVEN READING MY MESSAGES. They replied something about waiting to get a raise in my TP spending limit, WHEN THAT IS NOT EVEN WHAT I ASKED AND IS NOT EVEN THE ISSUE HERE. Sorry about all the caps, but this situation is driving me INSANE already. Is it really THAT hard to just READ WHAT I AM ACTUALLY ASKING?

1 month from initial purchase send them a ticket and it’ll be removed