Tree of Savior Forum

TP Shop gifting

Hi, I wasn’t sure if this is where we could put feature requests? If so, please let me know where to move this topic. Thanks!

I think there is a very big opportunity missed in the TP shop of being able to buy TP items with my TP for someone else. I have friends and guildmates that would like non-tradable TP items, but do not have disposable income to buy them, but I do. I would really like to give them those items, but I cannot because even if I spend the TP (on a hairstyle for example) I cannot trade it to them. Same thing for buying a token to give to a newcomer friend, who cannot trade.

Why not have an option in the TP shop to buy an item as a gift to someone else that can arrive in their mail? Once they claim it, it is just like they bought it (Team storage tradable where applicable, but not shop tradable.) It makes items accessible, and it would mean we’re buying and spending TP :yum:


Here is fine, there is also #suggestions:game, but it has the same description…

I think the reason why it doesn’t exist is cause it borders the line of RMT and that’s a long and ugly topic…

You can always buy them a Steam gift card :slight_smile:

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@STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Letitia

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If they are really ur friend it shouldnt matter.
No need to exchange any infos, just buy a Steam card and give them the code.

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Just make everything in TP shop become tradable 1:1. Problem solved.

Gifting system may cause more troubles since the current TP claiming system is still buggy.

Indeed in some other games I played before, they have Relationship level. At high relationship level, friends can gift cashpoints and premium items to each other.