Tree of Savior Forum

Touhou fans unite! *poke poke* no hiding!

So I’m in a guild called Gensokyo on Klaipeda server. I’m making it my personal goal to befriend the 2hu fans on Klaipeda… And if you aren’t on Klaipeda, still say hi here cuz… why not?

Now I’m sifting through this list of Cirno photoshops/captions I downloaded from some big Cirno page on Facebook before the admin quit. This stuff is great.

#LOL I’m done now


Help me fill up my 2hu friends list >_>


I wouldn’t call myself a fan because I’ve never played any of the games, but I admire and respect it.
I have a feeling that I would obsess with it a little too much if I got into it.


I’ve played most of the games including the grueling and masochistic fan game Labyrinth of Touhou. But you wouldn’t be the first to get into Touhou simply for the fandom. The fandom alone is super entertaining and people really come together and bring all sorts of creative ideas that add so much life to the characters and the world well beyond the actual game developer ever did.

He intentionally keeps many details about the lore and characters vague and as a result, the fanbase went nuts with their own interpretations of things. It was a fantastic 2 years of roleplaying for me but the community’s a little… elitist everyone is always fighting over their own interpretations of characters. Sorta got exhausted dealing with that after awhile… now I mostly just roleplay with friends when they feel up to it :stuck_out_tongue:

If nothing else, YouTube Touhou music. Your ears will thank you.


I’m the type of person who really loves art and Touhou has so much beautiful artwork. I guess it just really grew on me as I got exposed to more.

Ah, that’s a shame, but it was bound to happen.
The music is pretty much ear sex.

An artist that I follow had commissioned for Touhou artwork and I think it looks awesome.


I have 130,000 Touhou (non-hentai) images saved to my computer lol.

Flandre accounts for most of my favorite art. Trick or Treat!

#This Umineko crossover gets me every time.

I pretty much played the Umineko visual novel because Battler is hot lol.

I’m deviating from Touhou now but Battler… is sooooooooo hot LOL


I have a couple Touhou pictures, but I don’t label anything.

Makes me wonder how much hentai ones you have.

He does look pretty handsome. Husbando material.

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Sakuya was always my favorite (probably for the maid and Dio factor), but Flan always stood out to me the most. Other characters that I liked would be Youmu, Ran, Alice, and some others (I should probably also mention Nazrin and Mamizou). I attempted to get Sakuya as a team name, but of course it was taken at the time. I had to opt for Persona 5 characters instead.

And, although I haven’t played the games that much, I am definitely a fan. Zun is quite an excellent composer.

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I’m pretty sure I couldn’t like anyone better than Hata no Kokoro after Hopeless Masquerade was released. And I don’t even know why, haha.

I’m pretty much just a casual fan these days; I play the games when bored, and if some music catches my interest, I listen to it. I’m not involving myself in any community anymore, though. I’ve come to realize I hate drama or shitstorms so I usually keep a fair distance from most people instead. ^^;;

Ooh, that Cirno page on Facebook? I’ve seen her post often before she did quit. Shows how terrible people can be sometimes; wasn’t she more or less chased out because of the haters/toxic people? :confused:

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Off the top of my head, I know the loli Touhou characters most.
Can’t tell who my favorite would be though.

Picture irrelivant.

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Yeah someone was extremely jealous of her page’s success and he and his circle jerk harassed her endlessly until she couldn’t deal with it anymore.

When there is no way to stop toxic people, toxic people will always win.

I meant I don’t have any hentai and totally worded that wrong I guess lol.

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I would have assumed non-hentai, but you brought it up. :yum:

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Shoosh you. Have a yandere Daiyousei (Also from Touhou but not actually a yandere, then again no one knows what her personality is at all cuz she had like 3 dialogues total from the entire series of games lol)


ah yes the good ole touhou discussion with no discussion about the game
every time

Speaking of game:

This is awesome news. A fan game got so much attention that they are releasing it on PS4.

Also I’ve been recently chugging through Labrynth of Touhou 2. I didn’t know they made a 2nd game cuz I’ve been disconnected from the public Touhou communities for awhile. Suuuuuuper excited for it.

Also while Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil is my favorite of the shooter games, Phantasmagoria of Flower View has to get an honorable mention for fun arcade-style versus gameplay.

Subterranean Animism has some epic music and it’s one of the first 2hu games I actually made it to the last boss on the hardest difficulty lol:

Speaking of which I really need to go back to Mountain of Faith I never gave that one a fair shot mostly because I’ve never been a fan of the Moriya Shrine characters (aside from Suwako).


I am and will always be a big fan.
Touhou fan base is pretty powerful. Not because of number, but their passion and creativity. You’ll find dozen of doujin, music, games and even anime made by fan.

I make short Touhou animations now and then but there’s possibility it will become my job, thanks to Touhou and its community.

Here’s a little to share


You know of Liz Triangle right?

#Fantastic Remilia’s theme mix:

#My favorite Flandre mix (though not Liz Triangle):

Also how did you do those animations @fairyhell ? Koishi and Satori’s fandom has grown over the years since I used to roleplay Touhou.

I don’t have any musical, video or art talents but I am a very good roleplayer. I have developed theories for backstories of Flandre and Remilia and also a backstory to Cirno and have theories on what happened between Youmu and her master.

But characters like Flandre excite me because I am in love with unstable personalities with characters. It was always amazing roleplaying her with OCs and in other universes (I often deviated from Gensokyo). She would be completely unstable and unpredictable. A lot of people really enjoyed my interpretation of her because it added a level of excitement. I did a great deal of fighting roleplaying but I got her taking a liking to some OCs (so she would not attack them… for the most part lol) which let me explore her personality more deeply.

But even so, my interpretations of the characters were just my opinions and I never tried to claim any of it was canon.

A part of me wants to go back to Touhou roleplaying but I started fiction writing with my own characters and broke away from roleplay. My current novel has an unstable crazy vampire in it inspired by Flandre lol.

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Yeah, Thanks to a friend you might heard of Nitori Kappashiro ( he was in ToS CBT too), I couldn’t missed any big circle out there. =P, sadly his channel got suspended and had to start anew.

I made that animation in Blender, it’s a 3D Creation Suite. The same program MinusT used. (The guy made Reimu vs Yukari and stuff)

Curious how’s your theories about Flan and Youmu. Because I have my theories too. C:

Technically, she has to be in love to be a yandere.

That style of animation looks really familiar.

I remember listening to that second song non-stop for a while.

I don’t know enough of the character’s backstory and I don’t think I should look it up. I might loose track of time and spend weeks on this.

My mind was blown when this was at E3.

Well I developed them through roleplays I used to do which are long gone now.

To summarize my Flandre backstory and personality theories. I feel that they originated from Europe (which I am fairly sure is written in the canon theories). It’s been a long time since I RPd but there’s also a belief that Flandre and Remilia were forcibly changed into vampires as kids. There’s an entire fandom video that shows a popular fanon idea that the Crimson Moon changed them and freed them from abuse and imprisonment where Remilia pretty much slaughtered everyone in the house and escaped with Flandre.

I took this idea and ran with it. I felt that Flandre was horribly abused in her human life and, when changed into a vampire, became a bit “Feral” in nature. To those who have made no impression on her, they are nothing but toys for her to play with. She has absolutely no concern about how violent she ‘plays’ with others and seems to be really bored with how no one can actually survive her ‘games’.

This is one thing that I used to get her attached to OCs and develop friendships. OCs who were powerful enough to survive her games, she would take an interest in them. I almost never used her ultimate power AKA “KYUU”. It was only used in certain situations where her life was in danger because I felt that she would use this immediately if she felt scared at all.

That added to the instability and danger OCs faced when interacting with Flandre. They had to be careful not to scare her and make her feel as if her life was in danger.

An opposite to this theory is that Flandre doesn’t actually ‘know’ her games are dangerous and just considers people as disposable toys, completely disregarding them and fueling her boredom. While I think that this theory can be correct too, I felt it removed a lot of potential psychological depth from her so I deviated from this idea.

I took her in a darker direction where she knew she was being dangerous and enjoyed trying to kill others. Canonically, it was shown that she “Kyuus” things out of ‘boredom’ as part of an experiment with a meteor that was crashing down on Gensokyo.

But you really have to write that part of her character out if you want to function in a roleplay environment with OCs. She was initially going to Kyuu Reimu in Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil after beating her but Reimu pretty much weakened her too much that she didn’t bother. Reimu really did anger her though but she calmed down a bit during the dialogue.

The actual story is that Reimu was attacking her while Marisa was dodging her attacks. Which you can see that she takes a liking to Marisa if you beat the game on Marisa’s route because of Marisa’s ability to avoid her attacks and ya know ‘not die’ which entertained her, but she hated Reimu.

Boy pulling this all from memory is rough. I’ll let you read it through and reply and correct me if I remembered a detail wrong. Flandre is a very difficult character to portray because there are so many different possibilities to how she actually is personality-wise. (You ever notice Flandre fans argue with each other all the time in Touhou communities over what her actual personality is? lol)

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Shoot. I think it’s all a game. How else do all those little girls keep coming back after getting so shot up ;o It’s like they all have extra lives or something ;D

But, seriously. As hardly anyone actually dies in touhou who isn’t already dead, I’ve always seen the Danmaku battles as “games” or “tests of power.” No different than an 11-13 year old boy stopping an entire crime organization using nothing but genetically modified animals in what are essentially dog fights. So sue me if I take the magic out of it ;o The games are still fun.

One of my favorite remixes from Touhou Gensou:

The bells are a great addition and make it sound creepy and lonely and pretty. POOR MEDICINE.

Also from Gensou:

Idk why Sakuya is there. She just is. Go Tewi @-@ This song has a real good ninja battle vibe to it

PS. Would love to hear a nice remix of Wind God Girl. I’ve always loved the intro to it~