Tree of Savior Forum

TOS will be available for mac?

Sorry if this question has been answered before, I searched and found nothing

No, however you can use bootcamp.


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How sad, the performance will be really bad :((

Probably ;;

But you should probably get a windows pc for gaming tbh.

I would say they might have a mac version in the future (since they want to do a mobile version, etc), but there is still quite a lot of development to be done.

Considering how Mac handle games all these years, yeah I guess the performance would be bad. You can try it if you wish, it may run the game but barely. For me, Mac is most suitable for office work (graphic design, architectural, painting etc.)


hahahha ok, I play LoL and GW2 on mac with good performance, but to play TOS I’ll get an gamer PC

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With a minimum of $600-800 budget, I think you can get a decent windows PC to play most games on the market.

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And with regards to performance, if bootcamp performance is bad, then so would be the performance of the native client. Bootcamp is not an emulator. Windows is running on real hardware. No performance penalty.



And choose Intel instead AMD because ToS is poorly optimized to multicore CPU’s.

If you play GW2 with “good performance” you’ll be fine with ToS via bootcamp.

I agree with others though - if you want to be running at an optimal level, you’ll get more performance per dollar spent if you go the PC route but I imagine your goal is not to own two sets of computers.