Tree of Savior Forum

ToS should re-innovate current content in next 1 year

Well, I like this game. After Rank 8 is implemented in KrToS and I’m wondering where this game is continue to heading to in next half year to 1 year?

The population is declining as usual, this game has lost its attention and attractiveness to fresh players before a massive marketing. ToS need to repackage itself with re-innovate with the current content to attract fresh players and ex-players who still interested with the game.

Game Engine Optimization and Bugs fixing is a must, but IMC cannot do this whole year without re-innovate the content. IMC must announce their direction with the game in 1-2 months after rank 8 is stable to keep players interested.

In my opinion, IMC should re-innovate the current level 1-330 contents inside out. These innovation cannot be too complicated to make the game further not user-friendly, but its objective should be making the game more user-friendly.

Boss Fightning

  • As everybody said, the boss fight is too linear. The random spawn debuff objects are joke. To re-innovate the boss fighting, remove the random spawn debuff and replace with random boss skills. It is something like Diablo 3 Elite Pack, they have different random abilities that test the player response and reaction, like Molten which leave a trail of fire and Elementalist can use rain to eliminate, shoot projectile that need players to avoid, summon few magic circles where thaum/lancer/rogue can take care of them, summon few elite mobs that require players to take care them fast and etc. (Hopefully not too annoying that are not fun)
  • Introduce small size boss with fast motion and high intelligent boss fight, like Doppleganger in RO and boss in Biolab, where you really need a tanker to aggro them. I think in 1 quest where I fight other Revelators in Spring Light Woods and I actually enjoy them, although the quest is short but it is fun, should be more like this.

World Boss / Dungeon Boss

  • While current cube drop system can be remain, I hope there is something like Karma system in Guild Wars 2, you can accumulate Karma point to exchange for untradable equipments instead solely rely on drop rate to obtain equipments.

Map Grinding

  • The current quest/level grinding is boring, there is lack of white/yellow/blue mobs spawing. I suggest can refer to Diablo 3 where there is goblin and elite packs to surprise your grinding progress. Additionally, more random events like Guild Wars 2, eg: for maps around the town monsters can occupy certain spots if no player clear the quest, as a result the trading route is blocked and the item price / squire-alchemist tax will be inflated. Players who clear these random quests may have exp cards or karma point as reward. (reduce sub-quests please and replace with random event)

Team Progress

  • Replace character progress with team progress, this is really boring.


  • Make low rank classes more useful, I play wizard mostly so I can give few suggestion on that. Thaumaturge have no attack skill, however they also should able to swell fireballs/icewalls/skeletons for more effect like how sage can duplicate things. Additionally, the swell arm can also grab fireballs/icewalls to throw for AoE damage. Like Elementalist’s rain should have attribute to random lightning strike. Just revise the current class and give more fun value and synergy.
  • C3 Class Quest to unlock special attribute or reward special items, this will make C3 more valuable. or even a badge that can equip on character slot
  • There should a utility class for Archer tree like squire/alchemist/pardoner, hunter maybe? where they can actually train your pet? Like longer stamina, unlock skills that give you passive for x hours, and etc.
  • New 5th Tree Class that is base on musical instrument/dance, I believe this is the killer feature that will attract more new players to the game. IMC also can fit pied piper into this tree. Additionally, this class can add value to the objective to promote for different cultures. And this class can make town environment more alive.


  • Dungeon is really boring as well, but not really important.
  • But I do hope ToS have multi-party dungeon, where 4 teams will be reallocate to different location on map, they need to solve puzzle for each other to complete the dungeon. The most efficient team will have