Server: [EU] Fedimian
Team Name: Mhyst
Hello Saviors!
It feels good to relax, be lazy after some big adventures, doesn’t it? Nothing feels better than being home! I’ll show you my personal housing~
Here’s the full view
Some space to relax after a hard day, drinkin by the fire peacefully~ (drink alcohol only in moderation ;D)
It’s also important to study this world and what the goddesses left us! I must be too serious but anyway it’s me teehee~ ☆ (I really need some rugs here onegaaaiiii xD or please lift the furniture limit =’|)
But the more the merrier they say, so I decided to invite my beloved guildmates to celebrate me having a new house and to have a toast all together!
Partying all night was fun but I guess it went too far at some point x’D… (breeding between a spotted pig and a lesser panda… I’m not responsible for that, but sorry for the new species IMC :s)
Don’t ask me why Nopseudo was caressing his spotted pig all of sudden … We all don’t wanna know… >o<
But I could finally get my bedroom back #tired
NB : I want to thank my sweet and silly guildmates Kremaa, Guerriers, Nopseudo, Shurie and PesteMojo for participating in my screenshots, it was super fun, I love them all and our guild Eternity (FR only) is the best

Thank you for this event and come visit my house anytime you want on [EU]Fedimian~