Tree of Savior Forum

ToS on Virtualbox

Date and Time :

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) :

Bug Description :
I’m having trouble running ToS on Windows 10. The main browser keeps opening, flooding my RAM… Microsoft still haven’t answered, so I decided to play in Virtualbox.
The game starts fast and logs in fine, but I got a graphical issue.
The effects seems to have all turned into large squares and my character got frozen, with arms oppened. It moves, but has no animation.
I hope you can work this out.
Thanks in advance!

Steps to reproduce the issue :

Screenshots / Video :


  • CPU : i3 @ 1.8 GHz 1.8 GHz, sharing 1 CPU with the VM
  • RAM : 4 GB, sharing 2 GB with the VM
  • Graphics Card : Intel HD 4000 on the Host, Virtual Box Graphic Adapter on the VM, with 128 MB and 3D support
  • Mainboard : PIIX3 chipset on the VM
  • Storage : 8 GB of free space
  • OS : Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit, with Virtualbox Gues addictions installed
  • Internet Connection : 15 Mbps
  • Country, Region : Brazil

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Not a troll post.
Don’t you think it would be good to have ToS running in a VM?

dude, i don’t think your system can handle ToS.

Besides the browser opening problem, it works fine in the Host.
The VM has only half memory of RAM and video card, so it should run the game fine in the low settings.
I think it’s some sort of compatibility issue with the emulated graphic card, but I can’t figure it out on my own.

This is your problem



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how can i play Tree of Savior in Virtual box?

You cant. 128 mb graphic memory is the graphic limit for Virtualbox. That isnt enough for most games including ToS. Even if you can run the game, all you can see is everyone look like a scarecrow, skills wont display properly and worse graphical lag.

*sorry it should be 256mb

Then how can i dual log in? with each different account?

But, you can…

Caviat is, you need a whole dedicated gpu to be assigned to a vm…

Or you can simply use something else other then virtual box

But i will not tell how to, since it is quite hard to do, but i have been running tos on a vm, since i run Linux as my main os, and i did not feel like tinkering with wine

You mean passthough? I think that only works in linux vm and…so much pain to setup and my laptop doesnt support iommu…

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Yea, as i said it is pain. And it does support windows, just not beyond 7.

Another, expensive, option would be to run vmware stack, but, if you are doing that for tos, that will probably cost you more then it costs imc to run the game

I just did more reading, and it seems like you can do a passthrough on any type of vm (even win 10). if you enable 3D rendering on the vm, which makes ot so it uses your hosts graphics card for all the 3d proccessing, since ToS is technically 3d, that might work… Not sure how feasable on a laptop, but might just work

I have an older laptop, i can try to set it up i guess and see.
Are you running windows vm on windows?

Yes Windows and a laptop. I dont have linux os with me. By 3D render, do you mean 3D acceleration? Well…the game does run, but as I mentioned, the characters look like scarecrow and it lags like hell.