Tree of Savior Forum

TOS need multi-core optimization seriously

Just watched the video and I don’t know why but it seems really okay with only 30-40FPS (it still looks so fluid) I think game with handmade art like this didn’t really need 60fps that much like most 3D games. IMHO, CMIIW.

I think core parking feature in windows 7/8/8.1/10 is to blame not optimization.

IMHO, they just need to hire competent programmers that take the right engine design/optimization choices.

Adding “multi-core optimization” is never a “checkbox on/off” thing… it’s even harder to distribute tasks on simulation environments where you almost always need that “Thing A” needs to occur after “Thing B”, so even if you distribute some work to another core, your main core will always have to do most of the heavy lifting.

Also, whenever you split a process, you always need time to sync the results together, sometimes the sync process is even longer than the task itself… and even if you distribute all the tasks correctly, it all ends up if your OS doesn’t want to distribute the tasks and they just get stuck on one core…

What they should do is to make sure that the game runs at 60fps on any situation on their “recommended specs machine”, and to make sure that their “recommended specs machine” is something that it’s objective consumer is able to get.

Sorry for the rant, but i feel that it’s ridiculous that people ask for something without understanding the real implications of it (later people will start asking for L2 cache optimization XD)… IMC already has experience on making games, let’s just hope that they end up making their job :wink:.

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I would like to see Tree of Savior able to run on almost any pc that Ragnarok Online can run on.

Mission Accomplished!
(Oversimplified, I know)

This is important, lot of people having low FPS with high rigs. Anyone knows something more?

problem still exisit!

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game only use 1 core, RIP ToS T_T

Edit: I found a quick fix

On steam library, right click the game, properties, set launch options & put the following.


Good luck xD

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ToS need general optimalization!

You guys can try to put -dx11 in launch option.
I worked for me

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PoohVz that site doesn’t respond and it’s offtop from your side. Everyone know that game have $^&# optimalization. They need to fix it that’s all.

I know this game need more optimize, but at least atm you can use that.
Arcoding to my PC, my FPS is better than b4 when i use it

they can improve either use vectordx12 to support async feature or use sprite than image for chars and effect also need to simplify those effect and sound due to occurrence numbers. diablo3 which is dx9 got the same problem 4.2ghz can only hold around 20 mob with 32 sound channel at 60 fps, if it gone to 30 to 50 or more the load and cycle that cpu need to redo thread pipeline is according to number of occurrences

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look up telemetry
read the Terms of Service
its all there in text, microsoft saves your information locally and remotely

There are even devs out who have created host files to block all the “misc” information they collect while you use your pc

However if you continue to say they dont collect your information then youll just be seen as a shill for windows 10


Regarding the original topic and multithreading.
the DX version would probably not change all too much, since it’s more for the actual rendering on the GPU and not CPU calculations.

But they could easily offload a few things that don’t need to be frameperfect (and what needs to be in an MMO where network latency is alsways a bigger factor) on their own CPU threads.
those could be:

  • Particle effects (flames, attack effects, exploding monster pieces calculations,…)
  • Physic calculations (as far as they’re there. *)
  • Animations (of characters, NPCs, monsters,…)
  • Interface (probably to some degree)

Those for example don’t need to be exactly frameperfectly timed with each other and could easily get calculated on their own threads.
I’d rather take the attack effect running a frame later than the animation than the whole game running at 5-10fps at field boss fights

*I assume the red bullet attack from bosses checks for collisions on the client and that’s why it causes such heavy lag. Because it would check for all bullets and the players to create a representation of what’s going on. That can be from what it looks like ~50 bullets and ~20 players at times) And if that happens together with everything else only on the main thread only that’s really really bad.

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are you joking? Windows 10 is a mess right now and half my library of games don´t run or run like crap on the os ¬¬

then vulkan is the best choice, windows linux mac can use it

ToS is using 4 cores here, strange. It’s an I5 4460, if it’s important.

Moron devs should have used OpenGL or Vulkan. top kek

I’m necroing this cuz it’s cool.

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Never agree with you about AMD cores.