Tree of Savior Forum

[TOOL] iCBT1 Stat Calculator *Updated*

So now we still have 3 linearity mysteries:

  1. Crit rate - crit resistance
  2. Evasion - accuracy
  3. Block rate - block penetration

If everything turns out to be linear, non-exponential, and we “only” need to achieve a certain surplus of stat point, I guess what this game needs is a max stat cap. Can’t imagine if you can level up to 500 and you have free 500 stat points to distribute. Balance will be disrupted and frustration shall exist (in the term of random mode PvPs) because you will easily find people with 100% dodge rate, 100% block rate (excluding or including Peltasta), and 100% resistance against critical. These will result in the decline of some stat point’s value, especially STR, as well as creating a necessity to add points in Spirit (block penetration), con (resistances), and dex, furthermore limiting people from creating their own creative spiritual builds.

well crit evade and block could be 1:1% or it could be 10:1% or even 100:1% or it could be value-countervalue/100.

additional food for thought RO (and many other games) cap at 95% on these values or their counter values.

I have understood about the possibility of having such variable as well, but it doesnt change the fact that if the number of the stat point = the number of player level, it’s either creating situations like I mentioned above (the variable is too small) or having futile hope for getting a big % (the variable is too big). Heck, even RO (or any other game with this matter) has options to distribute their points to several status without being afraid of gotten trolled by the 100%/95% situations.

This game most likely has no cap for evasion/block/crit chance, I’ve seen the “100%”–or maybe, 95% or 99%, either way wont matter due to pace of the game. Oh, and I love the pace of this game anyhow.

There was a point in RO where very few invested in dex and everyone was agi builds cause youd get 95% evasion in pvp. Between people getting dex, +hit cards/skill effects, and things like “veryverystrong” weapons combined with stuns (bash etc) it quickly became very weak. So take it into consideration.

If you watch steparu’s pvp vids there are plenty of people who seem to have nearly 100% dodge. (mostly archers) but also consider magic is the “paper” to that “rock”

On the whole dex dodge thing, you can get a lot of accuracy gear to counter high dex builds, and because of 10% STR and INT per rank, high STR builds deal wayyyyyyyyyyyy more damage than high dex builds (dex plays as a more supportive stat now instead of the one stat to rule them all)

Yeahhh… I use that vid as a reference as well. That’s why I’m afraid of getting nowhere near to hit those kind of guys.

Truth is, also commenting to what @FatePGN is saying, we now have standardized gears which means no more accuracy modifier (up until classes and skills which have been revealed in CBT). Which also means stats distribution plays a VERY important thing.

Lately, @WatchGintama informed that block rate efficiency is being nerfed to remove the 100% sh*t. I hope they will do this as well to the evasion rate.

Just imagine, if we have level 500 character. Even without bonus from the pvp gear, stat points from statues, and stat bonuses (per x times up), there will be some jackasses with at least 500 dex. How will a DPS physical attacker comply with them? Unless they are sacrificing a lot of STR points.

I know magic will, but that’s not what we call balance. Why? Because there will be 1v1 system and random team PVP. We need at least a skill in each branch to counter those kind of hardcore builds. Or simply give stats a cap (although it will be difficult to develop).

Oh right, forgot arena is standardized.

Man! Such utility, thank you very much.

For all of us, hyped for ToS, this is pretty important. Spending days building up the perfect character hahaha

good work!! thanks!! :smiley: