Tree of Savior Forum

Tokens/TP/Enchant [exploit]

First of all, Good Evening.
[ note : they can redeem the DLC package in whatever server they want, meaning there is exploited token in orsha/klaipeda]

okay guys, i was really going to hold this off, because i know how ■■■■■■ up this would get, but seriously, things are already out of control.
Everyone must be wondering, expecially at Silute, HOW THE ■■■■ ARE THERE SO MANY TOKENS IN THE MARKET ?
“oh i think it’s from the people who bought the dlc’s package.”
yes, almost correct.
it was something similar to “boleto exploit”, the difference is that everyone was able to make infinite accounts of steam with all the 4 dlc’s package.

you can believe me or not, but there is 50 pages of tokens in silute.

Sorry for the bad english/grammar.
[versão em português]

seguinte galera, eu ia tentar guardar isso o máximo possível, mas visto o nível que está essa situação, não será possível.
Vocês todos devem estar se perguntando…
“como existem tantos tokens no market, mesmo não sendo possível comprar TP no momento ?”
“será que todos são de Pessoas que compraram as DLC e compraram tokens ?”
Sim, está parcialmente certo.
Teve um exploit um pouco diferente do “boleto exploit”
e muitas pessoas criaram contas infinitas com as 4 dlc’s do ToS.
podem achar que to mentindo ou não, tanto faz, podem me odiar ou não.
to revelando ai, mas ainda tem outro segredo que não contarei agora.
Tentei avisar a IMC, mas eles não responderam o ticket até hoje.

Desculpa pelo péssimo português, sou analfabeto.


Ooh is that the br server?
nothing to do here
flies away


BRs again? Nothing new sadly.

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Huehuehue … I was going to say, but I saw many 350k token pages on Fedimian.

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Sorry I didn’t get it.

You can make infinite accounts, fine. But what’s the point?
You buy all the packs for each account, but you can’t sell and transfer the money or trade and resell it, so what am I missing?

Sell tokens or use enchant on headgears, sell them, put itens for high price at the market with your main account, buy them with your alt.
profit ?
did i made myself clear ?

@Thranduil @NekoAngel @atari

Oh yes, generalize more, call all BRs thiefs and exploiters.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


You did. But then they paid for the DLC’s, the point it just they abused the packs to get a better value, right?

So its the same thing as before except people arent getting them for free? So its not actually an exploit? Why even make this thread? Just an attempt to cause some sort of uproar again i guess.

Also what exactly are those pictures supposed to prove? I have DLC i didnt redeem in my mail, so what?

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Vai aqui

“New Message”

Adiciona os nomes: @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan e explica tudo pra eles certinho os detalhes do exploit e do “exploit secreto” pra eles verem. Não fica postando aqui pq so gera xenofobia e outros tentando copiar.

This is what I’m trying to understand, apparently they just bought a huge number of packs in sale, creating different accounts to bypass the limit.

This happens in every game, it’s not that big of an exploit. Even more because Brazilians were paying half of double the price when the sales started :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi, @gambit_owned

If this is indeed another ‘large’ exploit, please submit a ticket using the Support function and explain in detail the way it can be re-produced so that it may be patched to prevent further abuse. If you find it even more urgent, send an email to:

I’m not sure what to say really, you’ve posted too many cropped images if you’re trying to emphasize on how believable this is.


they didn’t need to pay.

Umm, you said it yourself. You need to be more tolerant to yourself.

I would only agree that BR playerbase is more toxic in general and probability of finding an exploiter is much higher there.

Also your judjements are wrong. You should’ve said “All exploiters are BR’s”, not “All BR’s are exploiters”. Both are wrong but first one is closer to my statement.

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Then I really don’t get it. You can make many Steam accounts but you would have to buy the DLC’s on each one, unless there’s a big mess in the way they developed it.

Still, good luck. Report to IMC through PM.

Funny thing is that it seems that no one cares, just awesome

Are you sure, that those are new TP abusers? Maybe they just wasn’t banned from previous ban wave? And they selling their stockings?

those a token bought by honest ppl at the begining of the founder server … when buying thing in br cost less than in us … so that why when the br left almost all the token left too … now in orsha there not alot to sell in the market …it was 1/3 of the us price … so now you know

If they pay for The DLC then there’s nothing wrong about it since its their own money and it helps the game too and if they did not then that’s a problem.

If they did pay for it why they sell it for 350k and not 500k+? What they get from it?